Thursday 29 September 2016

EP#55 How to Successfully Collaborate with Influencial Leaders

I consume a lot of content related to my business interests online and a name that keep coming up in my consumption was Mary Jaksch the Chief Editor of Write to Done plus the owner of GoodLifeZEN.

What caught my attention about Mary was her genuine zest for life and how that manifested through her writing in such a way that it helped to invoke positive change in me.

Mary has some great accomplishments such as

  • Becoming a 4th Dan Black Belt in Karate
  • Becoming an authorized Zen master (Diamond Sangha lineage)
  • Also had a book called Learn to Love translated into 7 languages

And that’s just to name a few...

As I learnt more about Mary it quickly became apparent that she was a tremendous force for good in the business world which was a breath of fresh air but what I liked about her more than her business knowledge was her insight on mastering the inner game success.

She had faced some really challenging times the sort of things that would make some people give up and say it is impossible, and you will learn about what she did to overcome those times in this interview.

I knew I had to get her on the show so you to can learn how to get better results in your business and also in your personal life.

In this interview you will learn

  • How with the right attitude you can turn what may at the time seem like the worst situation in a positive outcome.
  • A step by step insight on how to use cutting edge study, problem solving and research methods to get you proficient and effective in any topic even if you don’t have one drop of experience.
  • Mary also reveals one great tip that anyone can use even if they don’t have a clue to come up with a money making idea.
  • Then how to partner with influential leaders in your industry in a way that makes them happy to collaborate with you and help you build your business by sending you new customers for your idea. ( If you only take one thing away from this interview take this gem of a tip, applying this can turn your business around in a very short about of time).
  • Mary has a unique take on the process of how to come up with content ideas for your blog posts or for writing anything that will have you writing the type of content that will get your visitors begging you for more.

Now the above points about what you will learn in this interview is just scratching the surface.

Mary continues to spill the beans on a number of topics which I frankly I believe if you just action a few of them you will see a massive improvement in your business and personal life

If after listening you come to the same conclusion and just find yourself with a overwhelming need to say thanks to Mary for adding so much value do so while sharing your thoughts in the comments below.

The post EP#55 How to Successfully Collaborate with Influencial Leaders appeared first on Ninja Outreach.


How to Create a Bounce Animation for Android

8 Great Ways to Rock Twitter

So you think you want to do this social media thing, you convince yourself to buck up and create a Twitter account, only you end up mesmerized by the fast-moving scroll of information, so much so that you never send your first tweet.

If this sounds like you, recognize that you are not alone – some 44 percent of Twitter members are so overwhelmed that for some reason they never send out their first tweet.

Twitter is a great way to utilize inbound marketing to reach 313 million people. By creating great content and sharing it on Twitter, you attract a worldwide audience to your products, books, services and business as 29 percent of Twitter users check their account multiple times per day. About 40 percent of online adults consider themselves regular Twitter users, so this is an important audience to address.

Here are eight great ways to rock Twitter:

  1. Use your keywords and your hashtags in your profile. This way you become searchable by anyone looking for your hashtags.
  2. Very soon Twitter will allow you to write tweets longer than 140 characters. Twitter will no longer count your media attachments, including photos and videos, towards the 140 character limit, and the usernames will also be excluded. Until then, you can use to create longer messages.
  3. Check your Twitter analytics regularly. Go to your profile and scroll down until you see “Analytics.” Click here for a wealth of information. You can find your top tweet for the past month, your top follower who has the most followers, your top mention and your top media tweets. Use this information to direct your future tweets – in other words give your audience more of what works. Click on Audiences to discover a wealth of information about your followers, including their gender, their income, their interests, their occupation and their consumer buying styles.
  4. Always use a photo, video, graphic or GIF when you post on Twitter so that you stand out in the fast-paced environment. Tweets with images get 18 percent more clicks, 89 percent more favorites and 150 percent more retweets. Be sure to tag your photos with your keywords, hashtags and name so that your images become searchable.
  5. Engage with the folks who retweet you. Go to Notifications and you will see a rolling list of people who have liked and retweeted your information. Send them a thank you with an image and/or go in and retweet them. The more you return the favor, the more they will remember you and continue sharing your content.
  6. Use ManageFlitter, a free service. Periodically go in and unfollow people who are not following you back. You can unfollow as many as 100 people a day. You can also find a list of your top influencers. Influencers on Twitter are people with a large following who have relevance, reach and resonance. Make a point to cultivate your relationship with them by sharing their information, thanking them for sharing your tweets and creating a win-win relationship.
  7. Once you have identified your influencers, make a list so that you can refer to your list regularly.When you want to make a list:A. Visit your Lists page via the gear icon drop-down menu or by clicking Lists on your profile page.B. Click Create List.C. Name the List & provide a description.D. Designate the List as Public or Private.E. Save the List.
  8. Finally, use trending hashtags for the days of the week. As you do this, your content will show up under these hashtags. Here’s a list compiled by Elissa Wyrick: 







#ManCrushMonday or #MCM





















#TransformationTuesday or #TT

#TuesdayTransformation or #TT


























#WayBackWednesday or #WBW




#WomanCrushWednesday or #WCM















#ThrowBackThursday or #TBT






















#Friday or #FridayNight



#FollowFriday or #FF

#FlashBackFriday or #FBF






































#SelfieSunday or #SS















To find out more about how you can rock social media, please visit us at We’ll teach you how to build your platform by creating a unique digital social signature.

The post 8 Great Ways to Rock Twitter appeared first on What is Social Media Today.



Wednesday 28 September 2016

How to apply Agile Development to Customer Support

(The following is a guest post from Estera Dezelak. We've had several instances of an encounter with her in our support chats on Intercom and we were very happy to know that we both follow the same dogma there and then when it comes to developing the product better via agile customer support.

For instance, because of her keen interest in using the tool, she was able to identify some features that were lacking back then and have requested it to be made, thus allowing us to improve the software even more.)

What’s agile anyway?

Business is buzzing with the phrase “agile development.”

But it isn’t new and it’s not just a buzzword.

Doing things the agile way means getting valuable, working software to customers early and inviting them to collaborate, provide feedback and influence product development. Ninja Outreach and Visionect’s Joan Assistant have that in common.

The many ways of agile customer support

Taking the agile approach in customer support means that whenever a customer runs into a problem, support is very easy to contact and there’s a real person at the other end.

There’s no heroic quest through a forest of thorns to find a contact and no pre-recorded message after three repeats of horrible hold music. It’s a professional that cares.

Ninja Outreach and the Joan Team run this kind of support.

Whenever you’re logged into Ninja, contacting a specialist or even a founder is only one click away through Intercom, the customer communication platform they use or Zopim, their website chat tool.

It’s quick, it’s effective and it’s fabulous.

They answer in minutes (I call that radically good support!) and solve whatever problem you might be having by going into your account for you, testing out the problem by replicating the settings and coming back with a solution.

The Joan Team offers a couple of ways to get in contact: the traditional email way, questions through social media platforms and a pretty rad chat support service through Zendesk.

Our support staff goes into deep settings to see what’s happening with our devices and comes back with solutions or a step-by-step procedure for customers, leading them through the process and not just leaving them to figure out the tech-speak for themselves.


It’s comforting to know that a real person is going to be there to help you and go the extra mile to make that happen as quickly as possible.

The system is set up that way with Team Ninja and Team Joan.

Real people that care about the product and the customer are happy to talk to you not like the bored specimens on the phone carrier support service.

Customers want help, but they also want to help

Having a hefty, technically written knowledge base is all good and fine and definitely necessary, but it usually has little to no explanation of the problems customers might encounter on a daily basis – enter customer support.

The problem customers are having always seem to be a little different than what’s described in the product documentation.

It’s our job to be the detective and figure out what’s wrong and most importantly why it’s wrong so we can cover it on our end and make the product better.

Whenever customers run into a problem, they instantly see how their experience with the product could be made better through their unique viewpoint.

Different people and different industries have different requirements and contacting the makers of the software who know it in and out might sound a little outlandish but it’s common when you’re talking agile.

And we’re excited to talk to you as well.

Being agile means welcoming customer input by giving lots of direct opportunities to contribute.

Ninja does this really well.

They let you know that your opinion is valued and they seek it out regularly. Emails come to your inbox, saying that they have implemented something you suggested a couple of weeks ago.


You can book some time for a one-on-one Skype call with the founders and they not only help you solve your problems but help you work better by giving suggestions on how to carry out your outreach campaign.

Joan also talks to customers all the time with webinars, surveys or social media.

We work on translating our user interface by sending it out to interested customers, who report back and suggest improvements.

We test out new features working closely with selected customers.

We learn from our customers.


And not just about how Joan has been received in the office but also about how people work, how companies organize and we discover how we fit into that story.

We regularly publish interviews highlighting how individuals and companies work and play and gather their insights. There’s more to a company than just the product it sells.

Your opinion and advice are invaluable to us.

It’s what makes us better.

So much so that we want to pay for your coffee.


Estera Dezelak gives voice to Joan Meeting Room Assistant, an e-paper digital door display for offices everywhere. An English major, Estera is fascinated by the power of words, technology and her morning cup of joe.

The post How to apply Agile Development to Customer Support appeared first on Ninja Outreach.


Stop Believing These Common Social Media Myths

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Double Your Website Conversion Rates

You’ve spent hours putting together the perfect website for your new, awesome product/service.

You’ve chosen the best WordPress theme, configured all the widgets to perfection, and everything looks great.

Your website is clean, sleek, and tailored to all mobile devices.

You even tested the design, look, and feel among focus groups and received stellar feedback. So you know it will be a hit with your audience.

You then start writing about how awesome your product is.

What it can offer that no one else’s solution can.

You write about how incredible the customer service is compared to competitors.

And the price.

Ooh the price.

Simply unbeatable.

Your website’s minimalism and cleanliness would make Apple jealous.

You couldn’t be happier.

You’re ready to launch the website and are eager anticipating floods of emails from people singing the website’s praise and buying your product.

Weeks go by and nothing happens

No need to worry.

“New websites take time” you convince yourself.

Fair enough.

Months go by.

People are visiting your site but your conversions are still minimal.

“Why are people visiting but not buying?!”

Obviously, the website is attractive and your audience clearly likes it. Right?

Where could you have possibly gone wrong?

You have the perfect website and the perfect product.

That’s enough to sell right?!

Where are these conversions?

Where are the floods of emails?

It just might be your copy.

In the 1970s, psychologists Langer, Charowitz, and Lang conducted an experiment on how people reacted to language. When people were asked to cut in line to use the photocopying machine without a reason, they found that 60% of people said yes. When people explained why they wanted to cut in line, the conversion rate shot up to a sizzling 90%.

Now, what’s the point of this little story?

What does this mean for your business?

It means, give people a reason to buy into your product.

Give them a reason to say a resounding “yes”.

Persuasive copy is the difference between passive shoppers and moving customers to actually take action.

What does the copy say about your product? How does it resonate? What problem(s) does it solve?

Does your copy satisfy your customers’ deepest burning desires? If you’re experiencing a lack of responses and conversions, your copy probably isn’t doing this.

People crave authenticity and are tired of the recycled, boring message many companies use today.

It’s not hard to create a sleek website and have a nice product.

It takes a lot more work to write in such a way that people can’t help but buy anything you sell.

Once you harness the power of copywriting, that’s when the floods of responses come.

Let’s consider an example of a company that’s harnessed the power of copywriting.

Introducing Sweat Block, a company with a mission to help people stop sweating.

Sweat Block didn’t always have killer copy and were not standing out amongst hundreds of other sweating solution products.

Here’s how Sweat Block’s home page used to look before:


It’s good copy. The format of the page is good. The call to action is good. And there is plenty of social proof to help validate them (Rachel Ray, NBC, etc). Clearly, it’s a good product.

However, the copy lacks a little something.

It is a little vague -

Control Sweat, Stop Embarrassment” doesn't really drive the point home.

“Buy it now” is a good call-to-action and is right in your face but it’s not all that compelling.

How many green, neon “buy it now” signs have you seen in the last week? Probably too many to count.

Being good was not enough for Sweat Block to stand out.

Sweat Block believed they had a killer product that needed killer copy to relay that message.

Here is Sweat Block’s current home page:


Control your sweat, and wear what you want

They tell you exactly what the product is about in plain, simple English.

More importantly, it quickly communicates the benefit that you will receive: The ability to “wear what you want”.

Another brilliant thing you’ll notice is the call-to-action.

Stop excessive sweating for up to 7-days with just the dab of a towelette

Sweat Less. Live More

Short, to the point, and powerful. It’s not just any call-to-action. It’s a call to value.

Moving down the page, you’ll notice the use of social proof.

“More than 1800 5 star reviews”

Wow, who wouldn’t want to buy a product that has that many raving fans?

People are more likely to buy products tried and tested by others.

According to a study done by Nielsen, 83% of online respondents in 60 countries trust the recommendations of friends and family.

In fact, you can increase conversion by 34% by simply adding testimonials on your sales pages. Here’s how companies like WikiJob, AirBnb, Slack, and SumoMe use social proof to grow their business.

In addition to the social proof Sweat Block uses so well, there’s the “Doctor Approved. Doctor Recommended” part with a nice video attached to it.

How many times have you done something without fully understanding it simply because the doctor told you to?

Chances are, you have.

Doctors are well trusted, respected, and professionals that know their stuff.

They also make great advocates for companies selling products related to healthcare. However, this has to be done tastefully and must come from an authentic place.

Lastly and also importantly, there’s no mention of price.

Great copy doesn't boast about how cheap or affordable a product is relative to competitors.

Great copy understands what customers crave the most.

It understands what keeps them up at night and offers a solution wrapped up in strategic yet simple words.

So what was the outcome once Sweat Block made these copy changes?

They experienced a 108% growth in revenue.

That’s right.

A 108% growth in revenue from the home page copy.

Imagine if your ENTIRE WEBSITE has killer copy?

Imagine how many more visitors you would be able to convert.

Are you picturing the floods of emails from customers thanking you for your product and for knowing exactly what they wanted?

That’s what can happen with copy changes.

Sweat Block is just one of many companies who owes their incredible success to the power of copywriting. Great marketing and business growth happens with more than flashy “free” and “buy now” buttons.

Business might survive with these techniques, but they thrive when they harness the power of copywriting.

And to help you kick ass and experience explosive growth in your business, here are

3 elements of great copy

These aren’t fluffy tactics and empty promises. These techniques have withstood the test of time, have helped businesses achieve incredible growth, and have changed lives. Ready? Here they are:

1) Delivery of core message with simplicity wins every time. Your core message should be written clearly and simply. It has to agitate your customers and provide a solution to burning desires and issues.

2) Call to value. Your call-to-action should invite people to make a change in their lives and should encourage dialogue.

3) Leveraging social proof. Testimonials, praise, and review help to establish trust with your customers.

Of course, this isn't a comprehensive list of all things that make great copy but that’s the beauty of copywriting. There are many ways to make your copy stick in your customers’ minds but by harnessing a few key elements of great copy, you’ll be reaping benefits for years to come.

Now, do you want to keep hearing crickets or flood your inbox with responses?

Author Bio

Joseph Solomon is a professional copywriter who specializes in story based copy for entrepreneurs and small business owners. When he’s not working on creating sizzling copy, he can be found trekking around the world. Click here (link to my site)  to get your FREE copy on how to write mouthwatering emails——even if you’ve never written on before.

The post Double Your Website Conversion Rates appeared first on Ninja Outreach.


How to Analyze What Works for Your Audience

Saturday 24 September 2016

5 Good Ways to Get Started with Facebook

There are five good ways to get started with the 1.7 billion people around the planet who use Facebook:

  • Your personal profile
  • Your business page
  • Joining or creating a Facebook group
  • Learning about your audience
  • Determining the best days and times to post

Your personal profile. On your personal profile, you can post three basic kinds of information:

  • Status updates. A status update could include a link to your blog, content you share from other people, description of what you’re doing today, comments or opinions.
  • Photos and videos. Upload photos or videos from your phone or computer.
  • Life events. Share births, deaths, marriages and major moves.

Your business page. Once you have set up your personal profile, you can set up your business page following directions at this link.This is especially important if you plan on growing your presence as you are allowed to have up to but no more than 5,000 Facebook friends.

If you are an author, you can set up the Author Marketing App on Facebook, which allows you to list all your books, links to Amazon and announcements of book signings.

While you are in your business page, be sure to link to your Google+, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram and Goodreads accounts. You can learn how to add social media buttons to your Facebook business page at this link.

You can also create a custom Facebook business page with the free app Pagemodo.

Once you have your business page set up, post your blog here regularly, offer specials, coupons or discounts and let people know how your business, services and products can help them. Ask your friends to “like” your business page.

Joining or creating Facebook groups. If you go to the search bar in the top left of any Facebook page, you can search for groups. For example, you could search for “Natural Healing” and be led to this group. Look for groups that cover your hobbies, passions and professional interests.

If you can’t find a group that covers your business, you can create one by following the directions at this link. Go to the upside down triangle at the far right of the menu bar at the top of the page to begin.

Once you belong to Facebook groups, this is another place where you can publish your blogs and other content you create to reach a wider audience. The average user is a member of 12 groups.

Learning about your audience is easy. Once you have set up your Facebook business page, if you click Insights at the top of the menu bar you will be led to a host of information. This is the analytics section.

In Insights, if you look on the left you will see a button named People. Click on this button to find the gender and age of your Facebook business fans, what countries and cities they live in and which languages they speak.

Determining the best days and times to post is easy. From the Insights tab, click on Posts on the far left column. You will be led to a series of graphs. The graphs show which days of the week your posts are most popular as well as the time of day your Facebook fans are most active.

If you blog once a week, post on the day and at the time your Facebook fans are most likely to read your posts. Use your hashtags and keywords to create posts so other Facebook users can discover what you’re all about.

Remember, the primary goal of social media for business is to draw people back to your website. By posting consistently on your Facebook business page with links back to your website, you attract new fans and customers.

The average user spends 55 minutes a day on Facebook. Meet people where they are at and build the audience for your business, products and services.

Want to know how well your business Facebook page is doing? Visit Likealyzer. Just plug in the URL of your Facebook business page. It will show you how stack up compared to other business Facebook pages in your industry.


The post 5 Good Ways to Get Started with Facebook appeared first on What is Social Media Today.



Friday 23 September 2016

EP#54 How To Turn Ideas Into Actionable Plans

I was doing some research on the best ways to promote a blog post after you press publish and I came across a really powerful and informative infographic by Andreea Ayers who is the founder of LaunchGrowJoy.

What impressed me the most is that I didn’t just find this infographic initially on the LaunchGrowJoy website I found it being shared on a ton of authority sites like WordTracker, Technocrati, and a whole lot more.

That lead me to want to find out more about the creator of this infographic and I’m so glad I did. In fact, I think all of you are going to be glad I did as well because I ended up uncovering a top notch entrepreneur for today’s interview.

Andreea Ayers discovered her entrepreneurial spirit in her teens when she sold knitted hats to her friends in college but somewhere between high school and college she convinced herself that life would be safer and more predictable if she went to work for corporate America.

The education and experience she gained from working for corporate America proved to be invaluable and gave her the foundation she needed for a few years later when she decided to go out and build a business on her own re lighting that fire she had in here teens

In this interview, you're going to hear about how

  • The idea to start a T - Shirt business came to Andreea while she was pregnant and doing yoga.
  • How Andreea took this idea and what she did different that allowed her to sell over 20,000 t-shirts through over 300 stores in only 18 months
  • How she taught herself P.R to get her t-shirts to appear in over 200 magazines, newspapers and TV shows, including ABC, NBC.
  • How she also got her t-shirt brand on the backs of world superstars like Denise Richards, Sarah Jessica Parker (Sex and the City) and Sarah Michelle just to name a few.
  • She also talks to us about her mistakes to help you avoid them
  • She then broke down how she turned all that knowledge of running a t-shirt business into an information product that sold like crazy.
  • If that wasn’t enough Andreea went on to give us actionable tips that product based businesses can take away and use right away to improve the results in their business.
  • But she was on a roll and started spilling insights on how you can use Pinterest to send tens of thousands of targeted visitors to your business.
  • And she revealed her process for promoting a blog post after you hit the publish button that gets you a ton of visitors, likes, shares and comments

So make sure you listen to every word Andreea has to say because she basically give away the farm.

I would publicly like to say thank you so much Andreea for so openly sharing so much of your knowledge when it comes to running a successful business I learnt so much.

And if YOU thought the interview was as good as I did make sure you thank Andreea and share your thoughts in the comments below.

The post EP#54 How To Turn Ideas Into Actionable Plans appeared first on Ninja Outreach.


Wednesday 21 September 2016

Ultimate List of Keyword Research Tools to Boost your SEO

Everything has to have a beginning.

Even in the digital marketing world, when you consider doing SEO, you have to start with something, right?

I don't think anyone would just go on full blast link building and guest posting to improve their SEO right off the bat.

That said, allow me to introduce a topic that I know you've already heard of:

Keyword Research

What is keyword research?

Let me borrow Moz's definition of what keyword research is to give you a bit of context:


From here, it looks all SEO, right?

Actually, keyword research plays a big role in your content strategy.

If you know what people are looking for in terms of the exact keyword they type in search engines, then you are on the right track in getting the right visitors for your website.

Knowing the right keywords gives you the power to create the right content that would give you the traffic you are targeting.

Is it difficult to do?

Not with the help of a tool.

For us, we use NinjaOutreach for our own content research.

But when it comes to in-depth keyword research, our SEO guy uses other tools as well.

And since there are a lot of different tools out there, we've decided to come up with this list post to help you figure what could be the right tool for you.


Ultimate List of Keyword Research Tools




Advanced Web Ranking This tool used to track keyphrase rankings across multiple websites and report rankings weekly and offering reliable results. $49 - $499/month
Affilorama AffiloTools crunches data from a range of premium sources to find out what's really happening on your website. search engines, social media, revenue and all of your most important data, all in one place. $1 - $67/month
Ahrefs Ahrefs is a SEO backlink checker and competitor research tools. It will allow you to track your keywords, brand mentions and your competitors doing. $99 -$999/month
Amztracker A complete amazon SEO tool that can track keywords, track competitors, and increase your sales. $50 - $400/month
CanIRank CanIRank is a super-charged keyword difficulty and SEO competitive analysis tool to find keywords you can rank for, links you can get, & on-page optimizations that will move the needle. $49 - $299/month
Codecanyon WordPress keyword tool works as WordPress keyword suggestion tool which will help you know keywords people are using to search so that you can target, it also will help you target these keywords the right way by checking keyword density ensuring that your article is search engine friendly and keyword optimized. $18 (Extend support to 12 months $5.40)
Colibri IO Colibri IO allows you to monitor and tracks your brand online. They provide a set of growth hacking tools and inbound marketing tools to improve your visibility on social media and your rankings in Search Engines. $45 - $295/month
Compete CPRO delivers digital performance data that helps the world’s top brands improve their marketing based on the online behavior of millions of consumers. ------
Concentrateme Long Tail Keyword Tool for Search Analytics $39 - $299/month
Dragonmetrics All successful SEO campaigns start by targeting the right set of keywords.Dragon Metrics leverages data from search engines, your site, competitor sites, and your analytics platform to provide you with the most relevant, effective, and profitable keywords to boost traffic and conversions on your site. $99 - $999/month
Freshkey FreshKey is the ultimate keyword research tool for searching Google, Bing, Amazon, YouTube, Google Google Market, Ebay and Wikipedia to find out what customers really want to buy. $49.95/month
Getrank Check your keyword results and get suggestions. Use the Keyword Suggestion Tool to get new keyword ideas from Wordtracker, Google and Yahoo related searches. ------
GinzaMetrics Ginzametrics is a enterprise search intelligence platform, making SEO relevant to CMOs and marketers worldwide. $499 - $2999/month
Good Keywords Good Keywords is a windows software for finding the best keyword phrases to use in your web page content and online marketing materials.  ------
Google Adwords Google AdWords is a free tool that helps you build search network campaigns by finding keyword ideas and estimating how they may perform. ------
Grepwords Grepwords merges a massive, fresh keyword database with intuitive tools and the industry leading lookup and related APIs to bring you the best keyword tool hands down. $15 - $250/month
Hashtags Know essential information and how-to knowledge to improve your social media branding and intelligence. $49 - $349/month
HitTail HitTail is the only keyword tool that analyzes your website's traffic and generates long tail keywords highly relevant to your audience. $9.95 - $79.95
HQSuggest HQSuggest is a feature-packed, fully-loaded application that will take your traffic and business to whole new levels. $14
Ispionage A Adwords competitor keyword tool that will help you to make easily steal your competitor's traffic and uncover their conversion strategy. $59 - $299/month
Jaaxy Jaaxy is the world's most advanced keyword tool built for internet marketers. Reveal the hottest and most profitable keywords online. $19 - $49/month
Keyword Canine Keyword Canine is the fastest tool of its kind on the market, with the ability to build custom "keeper" lists, the number of profitable keywords that you can find, data source and how many links you want to see. $7 - $297/annually
Keyword Country A all in one internet marketing tool that will help you to find load of keywords for your SEO, PPC and Adsense Campaigns. Keyword Country keeps a close eye on the online industries and discovers most happening keywords even before search engines do. $49/month - $299/year
Keyword Discovery Create a list of generic and long-tail keywords that you can use for your SEO or PPC marketing campaigns with Keyword Discovery. $49.95/month - $499.95/year
Keyword Eye Another great tool for keyword research that will be useful addition to keyword analysis for PPC and SEO campaigns. $44/mo - $427/yr
Keyword Revealer Keyword Revealer is a huge time saver for anyone looking to uncover low-competition keywords and analyze the competition for currently ranking on the first page of Google. $9.97 - $29.97/month
Keyword Scout Lite Keyword Scout Lite is a program that enables you to scrape keywords in a niche of your choice or generate random product keywords with the click of a button. It allows you to analyze SEO competition, to set a keyword criteria and it is capable of scraping data. ------
Keyword Snatcher Discover untapped niches and find the keywords that no-one else is searching. $47
Keyword Studio Keyword Studio is a keyword workspace for SEO professionals that saves time and effort on in-depth keyword research allowing marketers to take their organic marketing strategies to the next level. $39 - $399/month
Keyword Tool Dominator Affordable and easy to use tool that will help you to find long tail keywords. $13.99 - $59.99 (One-Time Purchase)
KeywordInspector KeywordInspector is a suite of individual tools to help you, the Amazon Seller, gain an advantage over your competition. $14.95 - $39.95/month
KeywordXP KeywordXP Pro is one of the keyword tool available for generating commanding traffic to your website through effective keyword research. $67 - $97/month
Kombinator The easiest tool that will help you to combine AdWords keywords. ------
KW Finder KW Finder is a free premier keyword research tool that finds hundreds of hidden keywords with low SEO difficulty in seconds. $12 - $25/month
Long Tail Pro Long Tail Pro is the keyword research software used marketers and SEOs to find the best long tail keyword ideas and quickly analyze the competition. $25 - $37/month
LSIGraph Generate latent semantic indexing (LSI) keywords for your SEO needs with this free LSI Keyword Generator tool. ------
Majestic The Keyword Checker shows how often keywords or key phrases appear in indices. You can expand the list by adding multiple phrases, allowing you to compare how much interest and competition surrounds a set of keywords or key phrases. $49.99 - $399.99/month
Market Samurai Discover the best keywords and your competitor's weaknesses with this keyword analysis tool. $176
Moz Marketing analytics software for search, links, social, and brand. $99 - $599/month
Mozilla Add-ons Find keywords for free and view keyword search popularity volume for a specific search term using Mozilla add-ons. ------
Niche Laboratory Be an instant expert in any niche and find keywords, phrases, and themes instantly with Niche Laboratory. ------
Positionly An SEO software tool that will help you to gain more organic traffic, improve your keywords rankings and leave the competition behind. $15 - $399/month/month
RavenTools Manage and report on all your online marketing with one software solution. $99 - $249/month
ScrapeBox A free search engine ranking checking tool for Firefox. ------
Screaming Frog Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a website crawler, that allows you to crawl websites URLs and fetch key onsite elements to analyze from an SEO perspective. $99/year
Searchmetrics Searchmetrics professional software is the top rated global Search, SEO, Content Performance / Marketing and Social platform for agencies and enterprises. $69/month
SECockpit Find profitable keywords and analyze your competition with SECockpit keyword research tool in a Matter of Seconds. $40 - $120/month | $339 - $899/year
SEMrush SEMRush is a great tool and easy to use, this will give you insights on the popularity of keyword that you can use. $69.95 - $549.95
SEO Book Tools This free rank checking tool allows you to check your rankings in Google, Yahoo!, and Microsoft Live search results. ------
SEO Chat Build a list of the most popular keyword phrases that all start with your core term with this free keyword tool. ------
SEO PowerSuite SEO PowerSuite was designed to combine immense SEO capabilities with straightforwardness and extreme ease of use.This software really guides and assists you in every task. No techy preps and deep SEO knowledge needed, just set and go! $299 - $699/year
SEOPressor SEOPressor gathers the most essential SEO intelligence of your website and present them in one place.You can gain important insights into your website’s SEO health with crystal clear clarity. $9/month
SEOquake SEOquake is a free plugin tool for your browser that provides you with organic research data at the click of a button. ------
SERanking All in one advanced web-based SEO software with a special focus on SERPs check. $$7 - $189/month
Serps What SERPS does? It can track thousands of keywords for multiple search engines and languages, on multiple devices, from multiple locations, every day. $197 - $4997/month
Serpstat Research your competitors in search and the competition of every keywords in SEO. $39.2 - $239.2/month
Serpwoo SERPWoo can tracks, monitors, analyzes and saves your keyword's SERP archives for you. $24.95 - $199.95/month
Similarweb Build a list of the most popular keyword phrases that all start with your core term with this free keyword tool. ------
Soovle Soovle is easy to use, fast, and efficient you can search suggestions and completions from the top providers on the internet with this free tool. ------
TermExplorer Find the most profitable keywords with TermExplorer it delivers the highest volume of relevant keywords & most actionable competitive data available. $34 - $499/month
Traffic Travis Traffic Travis is SEO software designed to help new and established online businesses boost their traffic from organic and paid search. $67/month
Übersuggest Use Übersuggest to quickly find new keywords not available in the Google Keyword Planner. Take your keyword research to the next level with tons of keyword ideas for SEO, PPC and your next content marketing campaign. ------
Ultimate Keyword Hunter Ultimate Keyword Hunter - Free LSI keywords research tool to create high ranking article ------
Web SEO Analytics Web SEO Analytics offers one of the most innovative online marketing platforms providing pioneering search engine optimization tools for advanced SEO Professionals. $29 - $199/month
WebCEO Web CEO is a powerful SEO tool that provides keyword research, SEO audits, link quality control, site monitoring, internal link optimizing, competitor monitoring and social media analysis. $99 - $375/month
Wordstream A free keyword tool that help to generate thousands of keyword suggestions. ------
Wordtracker Wordtracker helps to improve your rankings and attract high levels of targeted visitors. $27 - $99/month
Wordze A free tool that helps you find the best keywords for your niche selection, SEO campaigns & more. ------

Did we miss anything?

We hope that this resource post was able to help you pick the right tool to help you with your content strategy.

If you think we missed a certain tool that you'd like us to take a look at and maybe add to this post, just let us know in the comments section below!

The post Ultimate List of Keyword Research Tools to Boost your SEO appeared first on Ninja Outreach.


Tuesday 20 September 2016

Top 20 Productivity Hacks For Every Blogger Out There

Everyone has 24 hours. But why only few bloggers are successful?

Have you ever thought about it?

The #1 reason is: most successful bloggers and marketers know how to effectively manage their time. They say NO to everything that distracts their way and they always focus on what matters to them. That’s how they achieve big goals.

If you feel like you are wasting a lot of time, don’t worry. I’ve some tried and proven smart productive hacks you can use as a blogger to get quicker and better results.

Are you curious to find out? Let’s get started.

Top 20 Productivity Tips for Bloggers and Marketers

#1. Work in 25 Minute Blocks

Start working in 25 minute blocks if you want to spend your time most productively. Then, take 5 minutes of break after working for 25 minutes. Continue doing it for 4 cycles (four continuous 25 minute tasks) and take a 30 minutes break after it. That way you will be most productive.

This productivity hack is also known as “Pomodoro technique”. It usually involves in 25 minutes uninterrupted work and a 5 minute break. It’s how you can get the most out of your time.

You can use pomodoro timers like Tomighty (you can get it for free), it’s a desktop timer. Once you start it, it will set the time for 25 minutes and gives you a 5 minute break after finishing the task. Try it out and see amazing results for yourself!

#2. Turn off Feeds from Facebook and YouTube

As I said earlier in the post, Internet is full of distractions especially sites like Facebook and YouTube kill 90% of your time.

So why not put a check on them?

How can you do that? Most people suggest you to deactivate your social media accounts but I won’t recommend it because it won’t work. After a week or two, you will again reactivate your Facebook account and waste your time like before.

My suggestion is to kill the news feed on both Facebook and YouTube.

You can use Kill News Feed and DF YouTube (both are free chrome extensions) to kill the news feed. It won’t show anything on your Facebook and YouTube feeds. That way you will reduce your time spent on those sites. Give them a try and thank me later.

#3. Get a Standing Desk

Every blogger writes. Each and every blogger has to create content. By sitting all the time in front of your laptop won’t give you any effective results.

To write your blog posts really faster, I’ve a great suggestion for you. Try a standing desk.

It looks something like this.



Did you see that?

By using a standing desk, you can create content more effectively. Not only that it helps you write faster (you don’t want to stand for longer times, right? So you’ll write faster) but it also reduces your body or tummy fat.

I’ve been using a standing desk myself for over 2 years now and it gives me incredible results whenever I want to write something really quickly. Try it by yourself and let me know what you think about it in the comments!

#4. Unplug Internet

The Internet is full of distractions whether you agree with it or not. The Internet is a two edged sword. If you don’t use it wisely, it will steal your hours, then weeks, months and years. That’s how majority of the people who are using the Internet do not achieving any great results. They are either wasting time on watching movies or chatting with someone across social media sites.

If you want to be a productive blogger, make sure to put limits on your Internet usage. Don’t use the sites that are killing your precious time.

Make sure to focus on what’s important for you and unplug your Internet connection while creating content for your blogs. You may ask, how would I research? You can use Docs and save all the reference links in Pocket to skim through them offline.

#5. Use Google Docs to Create Content

The #1 reason I won’t recommend you using WordPress while creating content is this: “by default, WordPress content editor is not as effective as Google Docs”.

Google Docs saves your content on the go. You can open and create content even when you are offline (if you have any Internet connectivity issues). You can’t create content offline using WordPress, can you?

So I highly recommend you to start using Google Docs to create content. Not only it gives you suggestions if you make any grammatical mistakes or typos but it will also save you a lot of time to create content really quickly.

#6. Create 3 MIT’s for the Day

Most bloggers think by creating a to-do list, they can get most of their things done. But is that true? No.

Most people fill their to-do lists with too many tasks and at the end of the day, they achieve nothing. So I recommend you NOT to use to-do lists.

Instead start using MIT’s.

MIT (Most Important Task) allows you to focus on finishing just one task at a time. By creating 3 MIT’s for the day, you are allowed to pick only the 3 most important things you should be doing for the day. And then finish off them by the end of the day.

You are more likely to achieve your goals by creating MIT’s instead of creating to-do lists.

#7. Your Working Environment Decides your Fate

Is your working desk too much cluttered? Do you eat food or snacks while sitting in front of your laptop? Then, how on earth would you possibly become a productive blogger?

Use laptop just for one purpose: for blogging! Don’t eat anything in front of it and declutter your environment especially your working desk.

If it’s messy, you won’t feel much productive. You will start procrastinating on the things and by simply changing your work environment by letting more light coming into your room, you can get amazing results.

Just remember that, no one gets better results while working in a messy and cluttered environment. Make your working environment neat, clean and as much silent as possible.

#8. Read Books on Psychology and Marketing

Pat Flynn, Derek Halpern, Brian Clark from Copyblogger, Seth Godin - what’s the ONE thing that is common in all these successful bloggers?

They all read books excessively. They are addicted to reading books. They won’t call it a day if they don’t read a book.

If you are looking for proven ways to become a productive and successful blogger, start reading books. Read books related to psychology and marketing.

Not only will they give you better ideas on turning your blog into a successful business but you will get plenty of inspiration to think big and achieve bigger results. That’s the magic of reading books.

If you are a beginner, I highly recommend you to read books like Influence, Think and grow rich, The $100 startup, The 4-hour workweek, How to win friends and influence people, Purple cow and Permission marketing.

#9. Write Every Single Day

Starting a blog is easy but making it a success is REALLY not. You need to create captivating content to make your blog profitable.

Great bloggers are great writers. Jon Morrow, Brian Clark, Seth Godin - all are great writers.

How did they become great writers?

They write every single day no matter what.

That’s how they became great writers. They create content that sells. They use persuasive words in their writings. They capture their audience’s attention with their headlines. And they ultimately sell what they want with their powerful writing.

If you want to become a great blog writer, make sure to write at least 1000 words a day. Or spend 1 hour a day writing something you are passionate about.

Great writers write every single day. The only difference between a prolific writer and an amateur is the practice. So if you want to create content that sells by itself, spend time every single day for writing.

#10. Play Soothing Music While Working

Music can do wonders. Don’t play hip hop or rock music. Play soothing music while working. Put your headphones for more effectiveness.

I also recommend that you give a try where you can find plenty of soundtracks that makes you feel stress-free while writing or working online. I’ve been doing this practice for over 3 years now and it’s an amazing experience for me. It always allows me to be distraction-free while working online.

#11. Use the 2-Minute Rule

Most bloggers procrastinate. The reason is they don’t focus on breaking their big tasks into small chunks.

For instance, if they want to write a 2000+ word massive post, they procrastinate at it instead of finishing the first 200 words. When you break a big task into a small chunk, it will persuade you to act on it really fast.

You can get more effective results by using the 2-minute rule.

If a task takes less than 2 minutes to complete, you should finish it immediately. For instance, answering an email won’t take more than 2 minutes. Likewise, writing subheadings of a post, creating an outline for your content strategy won’t take much time.

Once you start doing things, you will tend to finish off the tasks in hand instead of procrastinating. It really works like a charm so make sure to give 2-minute rule a try!

#12. Try Cold Showers

Have you heard about cold showers? They work amazingly well especially when you are afraid of starting a new project or a big launch.

Cold showers not only increase your alertness but they act like productivity boosters and help you to start working on ANY project you are procrastinating for a long time.

If you are trying it for the first time, you can use hot water at first, then immediately you can start pouring cold water. That sudden chilled feeling can make your heart stop functioning for a second but you will get the willpower to act on anything you are afraid of after trying cold showers.

You should read more about cold shower therapy from here.

#13. Learn to Say No

Saying NO is one of the biggest productivity hacks.

99% of the people have problem saying no to others. They feel guilty when they say no and that's why most people say yes even if they are reluctant.

There are too many distractions that come across your way as you grow as a blogger or a marketer.

Most people seek your advice or even ask you to donate money once you start growing a profitable blog that makes money. This is where you need to be cautious. You need to learn to say no to anyone even if they are close friends.

If saying no is not your cup of tea, try the following simple yet quick tips.

  • If someone asks you for a favour, instead of saying yes, say “later”. You are just postponing.
  • If a friend asks you to lend money, either say “later” or “I don’t lend money to anyone”. Either they will thank you for your honesty or never seek your finance help.
  • Just say NO.

#14. Start Using the Productivity Tools

You can use your time wisely by having access to the RIGHT tools. By using the right set of productive tools, you can get a lot of things done faster, better and safer.

Here are few productivity tools every blogger should give a try.

  • Pocket: Saves online articles, bookmarks or links for future reference. It also has the ability to save things for offline reading. Great tool for writers and bloggers.
  • AdBlock: Blocks all the unnecessary ads from the websites you browse including YouTube. This can alone save you hours of time every month by simply blocking the ads from other sites so you can browse faster.
  • Evernote: It’s a must have productive tool for every blogger and marketer. You can take notes or ideas on it and you can access it from anywhere (be it from your smartphone or laptop).
  • LastPass: We use a lot of passwords from Gmail to Facebook to Twitter to manage our bank accounts. It's really hard to remember the various passwords we use for online purposes, right? It is also annoying whenever you click on "Forgot my password" option from other sites. How about securing all your passwords at one place? That's what LastPass does. It's a powerful and widely used password manager which stores your passwords and fills your passwords automatically.
  • Buffer: Buffer is an incredible way to share your posts or links on social media. It makes it super easy to share your stuff across Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. You can also keep all your links or pages on Buffer and it will automatically share your stuff throughout the day.

#15. Outsource Your Stuff

If you are making money from your blogs, why not consider outsourcing some of your major work (that usually consumes a lot of time) such as content writing or SEO to others? That way you can save a couple of hours every day that you can use to do better things and make more money online.

You can either hire a virtual assistant or ask any one of your social media friends to start working for you. If they fit for your business, you can pay what they are worth. You can also try sites like UpWork, Fiverr, Elance etc to find people who can do stuff like design, content writing or SEO related stuff at a minimal rate.

#16. Try (10+2)*5

No, it’s not a mathematical equation, it’s an incredible productive tool for all kinds of people coined by people from 43folders.

It means, 10 minutes of work, then taking a 2 minute break multiplied by 5 (which completes exactly 1 hour).

That means you work for 50 minutes with a 10-minute break in an hour. By working for just 10 minutes, you can really focus on finishing off your tasks because it's really a shorter period.

Then, taking a quick 2-minute break can allow you to get up from your desk, walk around it and again start working on the next 10 minute. Do it 5 times in a row, you will get unbelievable results. Why not give (10+2)*5 a try once?

#17. Reward Yourself

Most people don’t reward themselves when they finish off their tasks. You can give yourself a small treat whenever you write an exceptional post or get an incoming link from the other blogs.

By rewarding yourself when you achieve something, you are training your brain to crave more for such things. You will work like a super computer when you reward yourself often. So don’t forget to give yourself a treat after finishing your tasks.

It can be as simple as having a donut to as big as going for a long motorcycle ride. Make your treats bigger with the tasks you finish.

#18. Get up at 5 am

I know it’s really hard especially when you sleep at 2 am at night.

Getting up early has its own benefits. You can watch the sunrise, meditate for a few minutes, go for a long walk, finish off your morning rituals really quickly to start working on your projects before the world wakes up.

Mornings are mostly less distractive so you can have crystal clear focus on your most important tasks. You can also take some quick power naps ranging from 20 minutes to an hour throughout the day (at least twice) if you ever feel drowsy.

#19. Stop Thinking and Start Acting

When was the last time you quickly started implementing on your ideas? See, ideas a dime a dozen. Unless you start taking action, your ideas are worthless.

One of the top indicators of successful people is how fast they turn their ideas into execution. So make sure to start taking baby steps towards your goals or ideas instead of laying out detailed plans. Don’t try to be a perfectionist while working on something new.

Just put your step forward, make mistakes and learn things in the process. That’s how you progress, not by procrastinating.

#20. Don’t Process Your Inbox Much

Stop opening your email inbox too often. It’s one of the biggest distractions that kills your precious time. Instead of opening your inbox whenever you get a new email, process it for later.

Try checking your inbox only twice a day. After the mid noon and before going to bed. That’s how you can respond to all the important messages on the same day without having to check your inbox every minute.

Final thoughts about the smart productivity hacks YOU should know

I've been following the productivity tips mentioned above for a long time and I got exceptional results from them. So I would highly recommend you give some, if not all, of them a try and see the result yourself.

So what are your favourite productivity hacks? Which productivity tips for bloggers did you like from the list above? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

The post Top 20 Productivity Hacks For Every Blogger Out There appeared first on Ninja Outreach.


Brooke B. Sellas From B-Squared Media on Starting a Social Media Agency

Brooke B. Sellas is the founder of @HelloBSquared, which specializes in “done-for-you” social media management. Brooke is a marketing and social media consultant, and an adjunct for consumer behavior at CUNY.

Brooke recently spoke with Sprout about what it takes to start your own social media agency, the done-for-you social approach, and the importance of scaling when launching a business.

How did you first get interested in social media?

I went back to school, and to graduate with honors from Penn State, you have to do an undergraduate thesis. So, I decided to do my undergraduate thesis on social media and the Social Penetration Theory. Back in the sixties, there were two social psychologists, Irwin Altman and Dalmas Taylor, and they said that we form relationships through disclosure. Meaning, if I like you and I disclose information to you, and you accept that information and you disclose information to me, it would keep prompting deeper and deeper disclosures until we build trust in a relationship.

My study looked at Facebook and three brands and how and if they were using disclosure to talk to their audiences. Essentially what I found was that the companies that got deep with that disclosure—with opinions and feelings—had the biggest audiences, the most engagement and the most return.

What is your marketing strategy? Why did you decide to focus on “done-for-you” social?

We started with “done-for-you” social because I knew, from my previous marketing experience, that clients often said things like, “I don’t want to learn how to manage social. I don’t have time for that—I just want to hand it off to someone and have them do it.” So I knew that this was a pain point.

How do you get people interested in your agency?

It really comes down to networking. The majority of our clients have all come from word of mouth. I started to meet people who owned marketing agencies—a lot of times these marketers are experts in their own way but they get requests to do “done-for-you” work that they don’t specialize in. So they often turn around and pass this work over to us.

So it’s word of mouth but from highly recognizable, sought after people. Lately the big boom for us has been partnering with a lot of marketing agencies who offer agency work but not social agency work.

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned?

Nobody explains to you what it’s like to scale a business. Everybody tells you, “Oh, business is hard, it’s so hard,” but my advice that I would give as far as scaling goes is document everything. Figure out how you can then take those documents and turn them into processes and workflows, and turn them into client education, and then maybe blog posts.

Everything you write down can turn into some sort of content for yourself. Because I think, with scaling, the first thing you can scale is the process or the workflow. As soon as I know I have a repeatable process that works for done-for-you social or for advertising or for content, or whatever it is, then I can scale. Once you scale so many of those processes, then you add the people in.

Speaking of scaling, how did you scale your efforts?

Scaling the agency is an ongoing conversation. I think there is no one answer. There’s no “scale in a box.” You have to pair up with a financial advisor. I think that’s one of the first things you should invest in, when you can.

Luckily my husband is a financial advisor. We talk about scaling every day—how to scale, how to make things fit—because, again, we prefer not to make any sort of investment or borrow any money, so we only do it when we have the cash. Which makes it hard but it’s also smart.

I like to think and set goals in five-year increments. I have revenue goals that I set; for the first five years, which we’re in now.

When you have big clients like we have, it’s wonderful, but when you lose a billion-dollar client, it really hurts the bottom line. So you have to be able to bob and weave and keep scaling.

How did you know when it was time to hire additional people?

I work seven days a week, 365 days a year. I was working holidays, I was working weekends and I think when I finally got, like, a tick, my husband—or then-boyfriend at the time— said, “You know, you’re making enough now that you can hire someone part-time.” He helped me crunch the numbers.

Who are some of your clients?

We help everyone from startups to billion-dollar brands. The mix of our clients is everything from fashion to retail to pharma to tech to staffing—there’s no one industry. I would say the majority of our clients now are middle-market to large-size companies or brands.

Have you set goals for numbers of clients?

Last year and this year we scaled up very quickly. We went from two people to four people and that was partly because we grew so much and so we had the income to support that growth. But part of what we’ve done in these two years, too, is to work on what everyone’s threshold is.

So we set up a threshold for accounts—and by social channels or accounts, not clients, because some clients just have Facebook, but some clients have Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram—so we set a threshold on what we call properties, or channels. We said, “You’re responsible in this role for handling up to 30 properties.” We’re almost at that 30-property threshold with two of our girls and they haven’t quit on me. We know if we close a large client, we know we have to hire someone. If we close a medium client, we probably have to hire someone. If we close two small clients, it’s time to hire someone.

Your blog is a large part of your brand and agency. How did you develop your blog’s tone of voice?

I’ve always written the blog. I do have guest bloggers come on every now and again but I’ve always written the blog. So when I decided to get serious about blogging, which was several years ago now, I said, “I’m going to publish weekly.” And I’ve published weekly—I’ve never broken that because it’s so important.

Consistency is important, even if only three people are reading your blog. I feel like it was easy to keep voice and tone consistent on the blog because I’m the one who writes most of the posts. As far as the copy on our site and all of our client collateral and even proposals, I have a very casual, fun, bubbly way of speaking to people. I can be serious when needed, but I just feel like “serious” and “social media” don’t really go together.

#Facebook's newest algorithm update makes garnering engagement a huge burden:

— B Squared Media (@HelloBSquared) September 6, 2016

Have you seen an uptick in business in terms of blogging? Have you set any goals related to blogging?

My blog audience is really made up of other social media experts. So I don’t really sell anything to that group.

What are some tools that you’ve relied on for documenting those processes besides Sprout?

Excel, Basecamp for project management, which has been huge. These tools really come and go, but we’ve stuck with Sprout Social. We use Toggl—that’s big for scaling because Toggl allows you to log in and out based on projects.

And so what our social media and advertising strategist and I do is we go through every so often and we look at where the most time is being spent. That helps us understand that threshold of what people can handle, what paths are taking longer than we anticipated and that 30-property threshold.

This post Brooke B. Sellas From B-Squared Media on Starting a Social Media Agency originally appeared on Sprout Social.


How to Create Effective Facebook Lead Generation Ads