Monday 31 October 2016

#SproutChat Calendar: Upcoming Topics for November 2016

Professionals in the field are constantly having to evolve with their social media marketing and community management best practices. To help you thrive and navigate this career space we host #SproutChat every Wednesday from 2:00—3:00 p.m. CST. During this weekly Twitter Chat we discuss important industry topics and challenges.

For those of you who have joined us in the past, thank you. Our conversation is able to thrive because you’ve taken the time out of your day to learn with us and share your knowledge with your peers. If you haven’t yet had the chance to join a #SproutChat, we’d love to see you in our Twitter feed.

To make it easier to tune in and find a subject that interests you, we’ll post a monthly schedule of upcoming #SproutChat topics. And to further educate Sprout subscribers, the first chat of every month will focus on our product. All are welcome to join this  #SproutChat but the discussion questions will focus on how to optimize a feature of our social media management platform.

We chat every Wednesday from 2—3 p.m. CST. If you’ve never participated in one, take a look at our Twitter Chats guide with everything you need to know about how to get involved in the discussion.

All of the upcoming chats for November 2016 are listed below. Hope to see you there!

November 2, 2016: Using Keyword Search for Twitter & Instagram

Product Focus: Using Brand Keywords to Drive Engagement

Monitoring your organization’s brand handle only goes so far. With the sheer volume of social messages posted every second, it’s worth it for your brand to be keeping an ear to the ground for keywords and phrases that your industry and community are engaging with.

Sprout’s capability to monitor Twitter and Instagram keywords from within the Smart Inbox makes it easy to identify and participate in relevant conversations that help increase brand awareness and grow your community. Join this week’s #SproutChat for an informative discussion on getting the most out of Sprout’s Brand Keywords.

November 9, 2016: The Impact of In-Person Events on Your Organization

Sure, the internet has connected people far and wide by enabling both in-depth and quick conversations to occur. But this doesn’t mean that connecting in-person isn’t still important. Getting your business in front of people and connecting one-on-one with your audience at an event can have a much more profound impact on sales than an online ad. So how do you measure these kind of touch points and make the most of them? We’ll chat about how to connect on a memorable and measurable level with your audience offline.

November 16, 2016: Social Media Reporting & Analysis

In order to measure social ROI you need to be able to compile reports that include digestible, social media data. However, marketers know that the real value of social doesn’t come in the data it comes in the analysis and deciphering which metrics have real meaning for your overall strategy and the business’ bottom line. Don’t miss this lively discussion on everyone’s favorite topic—social media reporting and analysis.

November 23, 2016: No Chat This Week

We’ll be taking this week off. To our community stateside, “Happy Thanksgiving.”

November 30, 2016: Best Practices for Content Distribution

Content marketing drives traffic as marketers are well aware, but figuring out which channel different pieces of content should go can be a challenge. At this #SproutChat, Sprout All Star and Arment Dietrich Chief Content Officer Erika Heald will join us and share her advice around how to craft a content distribution strategy that generate the most traffic.

This post #SproutChat Calendar: Upcoming Topics for November 2016 originally appeared on Sprout Social.


Pinterest for Business: How to Get Started & Be Successful

Friday 28 October 2016

6 Ways to Create Viral Marketing Success with Pinterest

You can create viral marketing success with Pinterest by following these six easy steps:

  1. Create boards around your keywords
  2. Search for or create group boards around your keywords
  3. Use to schedule your posts
  4. Put a Pinterest button your blog or website to make it easier for you and your fans to share your posts.
  5. Create original, user-friendly content to share through Pinterest
  6. Consider converting your Pinterest account to a business account so you can read the analytics

Pinterest has 100 million active users, 85 percent of whom are female.

One way to explain Pinterest’s popularity among women is that it’s like a giant digital scrapbook that’s constantly evolving and becoming more and more important for those of us working to promote our businesses through social media..

According to Wikipedia, before 2013, Pinterest only accounted for about 2 percent of global social-mediated sales, however it has recently substantially increased to about 23 percent. Sales inspired by Pinterest average about $80 – higher than any other site, including Amazon, Google and Facebook. 

Convinced you need to win the Game of Pinterest?

Now let’s go in depth and understand how:

Create boards around your keywords. By now, if you have been following our social media strategy here at, you know that you must start by figuring out the keywords for your business. Once you are clear on what those keywords are, create Pinterest boards for your top 10 keywords. Maybe you can think of even more boards to create based on the words and phrases that people who need your products, business and services are looking for. Once you have created your 10 boards based on your keywords, constantly be on the lookout for content that explains your keywords. This could be content you yourself create or Pins from other Pinterest users. Remember, you don’t have to create all the content yourself – you can share the ideas of like-minded people.

Search for or create group boards around your keywords. Once you have created your own boards around your keywords, search for group boards from other people who are collecting content around the same subject. If you can’t quite find what you are looking for, create your own group boards by inviting other Pinterest users to become members of a group board you create. This is a great way to get your content quickly in front of potentially thousands of people. For example, I’m a member of this Pinterest board about Fitness that has 9.8 thousand members. If I post to this board, my content automatically gets shared with 9.8 thousand members.

Use to schedule your posts. is a dashboard you can use to share visual content throughout the social media. It’s especially helpful for Pinterest and Instagram, but you can also share to Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr and Twitter. One of the great features about this particular dashboard is that once you upload your images, you can clone them. In this manner, you can send out multiple images through your social media channels over time. This would be especially helpful, for example, during a book launch or other product kickoff when you want to let your fans and followers to take action.

Put a Pinterest Pin It button your blog or website to make it easier for you and your fans to share your posts. You want to make it as easy as possible for your fans and followers to share your content through their social media channels. One of the great ways to do this is to ask your website developer to add a Pin It button to your website. You can also download a Pin It button to your web browser by following the instructions at this link. In that way, whenever you run across content throughout the internet that’s relevant to your keywords all you have to do is Pin It to one of your Pinterest boards.

Create original, user-friendly content to share through Pinterest. One of the unique features of Pinterest compared to other social media sites with their quick timelines is that once you create content and pin it to your boards, it will be around forever. Create great content and all of a sudden you have a viral marketing phenomenon on your hands! Here’s a great example of how I did this. Back on Jan. 28, 2016, I published a blog entitled “The Easiest Way to Stretch Tight Hamstrings.” The blog included a very clear photograph demonstrating how to do what I was talking about. I then pinned the photo with a link to my website on multiple Pinterest boards. You can see the Pin at this link. As of Oct. 28, it has now been pinned on a total of 970 different boards throughout Pinterest, making it evergreen content that sends new readers to my website on literally a daily basis according to my Google analytics reports. Best times to post on Pinterest are between 8 and 11 p.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. 

Consider converting your Pinterest account to a business account so you can read the analytics. When I started, I knew I wanted to include a Pinterest account as part of my social media strategy. I set up the Pinterest account for my online jewelry store as a business account at this link so that over time I will be able to read the analytics reports to see what customers are responding to, when and for how long. Just as you can read the analytics report on your business Facebook page and Twitter account, you can get similar analytics when you set up a Pinterest business account.

Want to learn more about how to win the Game of Social Media?

Join our program today by calling Catherine Carrigan at 678-612-8816 or email or calling Ramajon Cogan at (928) 821-4553 or email

The post 6 Ways to Create Viral Marketing Success with Pinterest appeared first on What is Social Media Today.



#SproutChat: Running a Social Media Campaign, Event or Contest

Running a event, campaign or contest is exciting for your social community. They get a chance to win something of value and engage with your brand and in a new and exciting way. This week at #SproutChat we discussed the why and how of running a social media contest.

Benefits That Go Beyond Exposure

A contest will undoubtedly provide a brand with more social media engagement and increased awareness. Prior to launching your contest, take the time out to really understand what drives your audience to participate. What do they value? Go beyond exposure and monetary prizes and include incentives that set your brand apart from competitors.

Choose Your Entry Format Carefully

At the end of the day, driving awareness and reach on social is great but you really want to impact the bottom line. Consider entry type and which will garner the most qualified prospects or leads.

Promote Your Contest Across Social Networks

After you’ve solidified a contest type, it’s time to focus on the logistics. Hosting your contest across multiple channels is great for exposure and ensures you reach each of your different audience types. However, a contest with such a large scope may be tough to manage. There’s no right or wrong answer and what your brand decides to do will be heavily influenced on budget, time, resources and your audience.

Get Inspired

Before you launch your contest, take a look at these campaigns for inspiration:

Next week, we’ll be releasing a calendar that outlines all of November’s upcoming #SproutChat topics. In the meantime, be sure to join our Facebook community to continue the conversation on social media contests and other industry related news.

This post #SproutChat: Running a Social Media Campaign, Event or Contest originally appeared on Sprout Social.


Thursday 27 October 2016

EP#59 How to Make Readers Crave for More Content

Bryan Hutchinson has a true passion for writing to the point where I think it might be an obsession (in a good way) as I talked to him through today’s interview, it became really clear that the craft of being able to weave words into stories and evoke emotions in his readers wasn’t just a hobby but more like his life's work.

And you know that’s the sort of energy we look for here at the NinjaOutreach Podcast

In todays interview you will learn

  • How to summon your inner writing voice
  • How pretty much anyone with a passion for their topic can become an amazing writer
  • He also drills down into a process that allows you to create sticky and captivating content that will have your readers craving for more.
  • Plus Bryan shows us his unique methods to using online communities in the right way to get a ton of exposure and build a loyal fan base who are always happy to put the word out about your content.
  • How to keep your mind right in the beginning stages when it seems like your not going anywhere and what to focus on to speed up your ability to get results.
  • He also gives some off-the-wall ways to build new (and maintain) strong relationships with key people in your industry.

Being that what you write and how you write it is such an important factor in today’s online world this interview will give you the insights to hit the ground running and really make an impact while sharing your message.

If this interview has added value to your day say thanks by sharing your thoughts in the comments below

The post EP#59 How to Make Readers Crave for More Content appeared first on Ninja Outreach.


Wednesday 26 October 2016

5 Easy Tips For Reliable & Quality E-commerce Back link

Using the right strategy for SEO for your website can be helpful to the customer as he/she can be directed in the right manner. For those who own a e-commerce business , quality content and healthy SEO are the absolute essentials as most of the traffic is generated through search engines.

Modern SEO depends on lots of elements like back links, user experience, user activity on your site, popularity on the social media etc. The website thus, should be user-friendly and also search friendly. For businesses like ecommerce it is very tough to maintain all the aspect of SEO, specially the user experience one. So, the e-commerce back link building is the ultimate way to rank high on search engine.

Let us start with the 5 tips which work ideal for building healthy E-Commerce Back-links.

1. Making a Website With UX in Mind

Make sure to take that extra effort to have a ‘good look’, which, in other words, means free of any clutter like advertisements, products and also content which might not be appealing to the user. If dealing with multiple products, you need to make sure that each product has a specific page dedicated to it. Businesses need to know that a website creates a large impact on link building and also conversions.

2. Writing Guests Posts on Reputed Websites

This is not writing for the sole purpose of getting a back-link in the author-bio. You need a specific strategy to ensure you get what you are looking for. A few guidelines can give you the right picture of how to do this.


  • Make sure ‘NOT’ to look for websites which have the page, “write for us”. The ideal websites to get your links are those which do not have this page.
  • Reputation plays an important role but make sure that the reputed websites you opt for are in the niche of your business. It is a waste of time and energy writing for those websites which have a lower level of domain authority as compared to yours. This can bring down the value of your link and there is also a possibility of the removal of the link without any notice.
  • You need to write more than once for every website or else it will be known that you are looking for back-links.
  • The ‘No follow’ links might not be good enough for SEO but work well for followers on the social media.
  • Monitoring the links from your guests’ posts is essential. This can be done by making use of a specific SEO tool. There are chances of the links being changed by the webmasters to ‘no follow’ from ‘do follow’. It is essential you have this knowledge.
  • You need to link to the social media accounts in the author bio of articles.

3. Leaving Footprints on The Back-links

All the back-links should be natural, including those for a SEO. In case of guests’ posts, you need to change the author bio and have different pen names. It is advisable not to use similar descriptions for your website throughout the web. In case the links are untraceable and natural, it is a win-win situation.

4. Building Good Back-links

Links from real websites are the best ones for your web site. This should consist of good content and a lot of social media share. You can think of building these on your own as long as these are in your niche coming from the authority websites. Checking out what the competitors are up to for building back-links can be helpful. Some common methods for the building of back-links are

  • Niche Forums
  • Broken links method
  • Links with info graphics
  • E-mail to influential’s

Guests posts on websites which are related


5. Leverage of Relationships:

You can think of requesting for back-links with the people you do business with. This includes suppliers, vendors, manufacturers, dealers and more. Most of the businesses these days use websites and this can be linked back to your business and create a healthy e-commerce back link for you. You can also think of requesting back-links from relatives and friends, or if you have another website, you can think of the required back-links from these(only if they are in the same niche).

Importance of Back-Links

We have guided you on few tips to get the required back-links for your E-commerce, but it is essential to know how these can be beneficial.

  • Building of brand authority is one big benefit of being able to get back-links for your website. Good back-links can arouse the interest of the customers to your brand and present your business as a source of information within the specific industry and probably, result in linking of the website to your content. This ensures natural back-links.
  • Links which are of a high quality on sites with a heavy traffic can drive the targeted traffic to your website 24 hours a day. One link on the right website can direct traffic to your website for many years.
  • Most of us who come across a good content and find a back-link informing them about the writer, there are more than one chances, they tend to click on that specific link to know more. This can result in relationships which tend to be good for your business. This also might lead to connecting on the social media. In short, an ideal link can bring a consumer to your business without any help of the search engines.
  • Recognition comes easily with the content posted by you on a specific website. The individual reading the content posted will either click on the link or probably, register the brand name with the content. If your website is not immediately visited, the brand name gets associated with the posted content.

To conclude, make sure you do not follow tips given by sources which are not known. It is almost impossible that someone who has been able to rank first in the Google Search will share the strategy with anyone. It is advisable to make an effort and do the required research and tests so that you are assured of good back-links for your website. You need to make sure that you avoid getting links from pages which have thin content as these are hardly valued, besides this, avoid websites that are unable to provide value to its users.


Author Bio
Manas Kumar is the CTO, digital marketer and SEO analyst of usa seo company. He owns the best seo firm and currently working for 1SEOIn.

The post 5 Easy Tips For Reliable & Quality E-commerce Back link appeared first on Ninja Outreach.


10 Facebook Posting Tips to Improve Your Brand Awareness

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Why SEO Is The Ultimate Focus Of Startup Marketing - Ninja Outreach

(The following is a ‘guestographic’ submission from Dot Com Infoway about startup seo)

Successful startup seo can boost sales exponentially, driving future growth and helping to secure capital investors.

However, SEO strategies require a great deal of work and follow-up in order to be effective for a given company. SEO is not something that is done once and then forgotten about.

Instead, it is more similar to a philosophy that is followed over time and that is continually improved as new challenges and demands arise.

Here are some common pitfalls of withering SEO plans gone awry

The first sign that an SEO strategy will fail is if not enough funding had been secured in order to follow through with it.

In order to help secure such funds from a skeptical board, consider explaining that content marketing costs 31 percent less per lead than paid search for mid-sized enterprises and 41 percent less for larger enterprises.

It should also be mentioned that the results of SEO strategies are significantly better when compared with outdated modes, such as direct mail or advertisements.

Another sign that a strategy is doomed is when SEO results are not being tracked.

Companies cannot expect SEO to gain traction on its own.

Understanding a company's current search statistics enables that company to know where exactly it is failing, which is in turn shows where improvement is needed.

For example, knowing that people are leaving a company's website shortly after arriving can mean that something may be wrong with the layout or its content, thus showing that company that improve those areas is likely to get better numbers.

Lastly, creating unnatural looking link profiles, usually as a result of misunderstanding the keyword research process or how to apply it can result in prospective clients avoiding your site.

A way to prevent this problem is to track SEO results and understanding the information it presents.

SEO marketing is a continually evolving process that typically yields results on the basis of how much effort is put into the strategies.

Knowing how to keep that strategy healthy and effective is imperative for a company's growth.

Click to enlarge

When it startup seo is the only viable method of gaining success

Click to enlarge

Dot Com Infoway – Internet Marketing Company

The post Why SEO Is The Ultimate Focus Of Startup Marketing - Ninja Outreach appeared first on Ninja Outreach.


How to Create a Consistent Brand Voice on Social Media

Friday 21 October 2016

#SproutChat Recap: Planning Social Media Content for the Holidays

The holidays are quickly approaching quickly and as a social media professional, you need to plan ahead. Even though it’s not even Halloween yet, it’s time to start planning for holiday campaigns and initiatives. This week at #SproutChat, we discussed how to plan for the holiday season.

Plan in Advance

Anticipate the time you’ll need to launch and run holiday campaigns and initiatives. With all the other stressors of this time of year, you’ll be thankful you set yourself up for success.

Set up Reliable Tracking Methods & Assign Value to Social Engagement

During the holidays, sales for many industries substantially increase. It’s crucial to schedule social content ahead of time and set up tracking for campaigns that helps prove the ROI of your social efforts. Work with your marketing acquisition team and streamline reporting so determining the holiday sales attributed to social isn’t a headache.

Be Generous With Your Customers

Everyone is in the giving mood during the holidays and your business should be too! Get creative with ways to show extra kindness or generosity during the holiday season. It could be something as simple as a coupon or handwritten thank you note. These small acts of generosity go a long way.

Showcase Your Company’s Culture

The holidays are a great time to pull back the curtain on the inner-workings of your organization. Showcase fun events and traditions that your company hosts for its employees. For customers, seeing the faces behind the product or service they love help the overall image of your business.

Get Inspired With Some Holiday Cheer

These brands have successfully launched memorable holiday campaigns. Take a few pointers from the pros and get started planning your own initiatives!

See you next week on Wednesday, October 26 at 2 p.m. CDT to discuss how to run a social media contest. Join the #SproutChat Facebook community to meet other social media professionals and to stay posted on weekly topics and discussion questions.

This post #SproutChat Recap: Planning Social Media Content for the Holidays originally appeared on Sprout Social.


Thursday 20 October 2016

How To Knock It Out of the Park With Youtube

If you plan on winning the Game of Social Media, you want to be sure to include Youtube as part of your strategy.

Why is it so important for you to include Youtube as part of your social media strategy?


Now let’s talk about how to knock it out of the park with Youtube.

Step 1. Start with a keyword. By now, if you’ve been working with us here at, you know that if you don’t work with a keyword, you simply won’t get found. Pick one keyword.

Step 2. Create a two to three minute video elaborating on this keyword. Here at, we film videos using the video conferencing service You can pay to join this service if you like, but Zoom also allows you FREE access for meetings up to 40 minutes with up to 50 participants. is great if you want to record yourself explaining your product or service, but you may also want to use your smart phone to record live action videos. For example, I have created multiple videos of exercises, pranayama breath work and even a book trailer using my iPhone 6S. Use your creativity. What do your fans and followers want to know about? Just keep your videos short and to the point.

Step 3. Edit the file properties. Just as you would tag all your photographs before uploading them to social media, edit the video file and include your keyword in the file before you upload it to Youtube.

Step 4. Write a 500-word description of your video using your keyword in the first paragraph. Be sure that this is 100 percent original content. To see a good example of this, visit this link on the Youtube channel for my business The reason you want to make sure that your 500-word description is original content is so that the search engines will identify it as original information.

Step 5. Once you have published your video to Youtube, be sure to embed it on your website. You have just gone through the hard work of creating great social media marketing material, so you will want to save it so your fans and followers can watch it. You may even want to write a second 500-word article – this one also completely original and not repeating the 500-word description you wrote to go with your Youtube video – to post on your website to go with the video. You could think of this almost like an oreo cookie – 500 word description for your video, the video itself and another 500-word blog article for your website.

Step 6. Once you have created your video, share it all through your social network. Just as you include buttons for all your social media sites on the front page of your website, be sure to put a Youtube button on your website to encourage your fans and followers to subscribe.

Hard work? Yes.

Incredibly effective? Absolutely.


The post How To Knock It Out of the Park With Youtube appeared first on What is Social Media Today.



How One Facebook Post Increased Referral Traffic by 6,166%

EP#58 How To Build And Make Money From A Blog

(This one's a special post, this how I met Dave Schneider, the co-founder of NinjaOutreach.)

Dave Schneider is the founder of SelfMadeBusinessman and he started his journey on the normal path most people are encouraged to take:

  1. Study hard
  2. Get a degree
  3. Get into a big corporation
  4. Work your way up

Something about that route didn’t ring true to Dave and he started to feel unfulfilled and unhappy with where his life was going so he had to make a choice…

Should he continue on a path that was fairly safe and predictable?

Or embark on a journey that was a lot more risky but excited the hell out of him?

Take a listen to the interview I did with him and you will find out exactly what he did.

In this interview you will also discover:

  • How Dave built a blog about his travels with his girlfriend all over the world that went on to generate them 10k+ a month
  • You will also discover how he takes a blog thats under a year old and get insane interaction in the form of  shares and comments
  • How he comes up with content ideas that have his audience craving for more
  • His top tips for promoting a blog post after he has pressed the the publish button
  • Plus how he builds amazing relationships with influential peers in his industry and that's just the tip of the iceberg he continues to drop amazing actionable tips throughout the interview

This is one not to miss let me know what you learnt and thought of this interview in the comments below.

The post EP#58 How To Build And Make Money From A Blog appeared first on Ninja Outreach.


Wednesday 19 October 2016

How To Monetize A Blog In 2016 - 7 Methods

You publish great content, bring in some traffic and you start to wonder 'how to monetize a blog?'

Monetizing your website should be easy, it's about installing some adverts maybe google Adsense right?

If only it were that simple.

That trick might have worked well in 2005 when competition for adverts was lower. But to monetize a site in 2016 requires a great deal more effort and creativity.

But for those who knows how to monetize a blog, gets the reward in rich.

How to Monetize A Blog

There are plenty of websites out there pulling in a ton of money. For example, one foodie blog, Pinch of Yum, are making upwards of $32,000 a month. Matthew Woodward’s SEO website regularly makes $30,000+. And the guys behind Buffer are raking in nearly $1 million every single month!

These are just the websites that publish their income. As you can see, sites of all niches can - and do - make money.

How can you do the same? Well, let’s prepare your blog for monetization first:

Increase Web traffic

If you’re just getting started and want to monetize your blog, focus on creating a big - and more importantly - regular stream of traffic. You can only monetize your blog with visitors. Lots of them coming in every day.

As per  Wikipedia : "Website monetization is the process of converting existing traffic being sent to a particular website into revenue" - Wikipedia 

If you had a shop on the high-street and no-one came in, you wouldn’t make money, right? It’s the same online.

increase web traffic

Huge traffic is the one thing that every high-earning site has in common. So, start by implementing various traffic-driving techniques at your website.

As for how many visitors? There is no magic number. Every blog and industry are different. If you’re selling a niche product to a highly targeted audience, you could potentially make money from 5,000-10,000 visitors a month.

If you rely on advertising alone, you’ll probably need at least 100,000.

Monetize Your Blog By Targeting

You also want to make sure this traffic is ‘targeted’ and primed to spend money! For example, a weight-loss website would be a good candidate for monetization. The visitors have a specific need, and you can sell it to them.

A broad and general news website, however, would be much more difficult. It’s not specific, and visitors don’t have a strong intention to buy.

Others Methods Of Blog Monetization

So, that’s enough background. Let’s get stuck into the methods.

1. Blog Monetization Using Advertising

Google AdSense

We’ll start with the most common - and well-known - method: advertising. But does it still work?

The answer is yes. Going back to Pinch of Yum, they make most of their money through advertising ($23,000 a month). However, you’ll notice that they generate this income from 2.5 million unique visitors.

Using their numbers, you’d make roughly $2,300 from 250,000 monthly unique. Or less than $1,000 from 100,000 visitors.

So yes, advertising will make you money. But, you need big traffic. And it’s not a revenue source you should rely on alone. To create a rounded income, advertising should make up just one portion of your revenue.

How to get started? Well, Google AdSense is your first step. Here’s a detailed guide from Julie Stoian of Fabulous Blogger to setting it up and you’ll soon see adverts on your website. Google AdSense is perfect for beginners and those with low-medium traffic. If you’re generating more than 100,000 unique views a month, you’ll probably get more value from a private ad network. They’ll send more specific and relevant adverts to your site, and you might get a bigger cut. Here’s a good list of private ad networks to approach.

2. Monetizing Your Blog Using Affiliate Sales

how affiliate sales works

Affiliate sales are getting paid to recommend products. Here’s how it works:

You link to a product or service online. If your visitor follows that link and buys something, you get a cut of the sale. Simple.

This is another proven formula that works. One of the easiest and quickest ways to get started is through Amazon. Amazon run the biggest affiliate program in the world. All you have to do is put a link to an Amazon product on your website.

A great way to use this scheme is by posting product reviews on your blog, and linking to the product on Amazon so visitors can buy. Ch-ching. Top ten lists also work well here.

Bluehost - the web hosting service - has a very popular affiliate scheme for those blogging in the tech world. Using tutorials and how-tos, you can direct your readers to Bluehost, and you get a little cash every time they purchase the web hosting. Same goes to NinjaOutreach, they provide a great opportunity to earn recurring income. You will be surprised how far this can go.

Here’s a great case study on how one blogger makes a regular income from affiliate sales in the photography niche. Here’s another that used this technique to generate $4,000 a month in just six months.

3. Sell Your Own Products (Physical or Digital)

mobile online store

If you get it right, this is potentially the most lucrative method of monetization. We’ve already discussed that affiliate sales work. But why sell someone else’s products when you could sell your own?

Obviously, this takes a little more work, but the rewards are much bigger. You keep all the profit, you create a brand identity, and build a loyal community.

There are two options here:-1) Sell a physical product, like clothing or sports equipment.
2) Sell a digital product, like an app, software, or an eBook. Remember Buffer (making $1 million a month?) They make their money selling their own social media software.

Our pro tip? Use a tiered pricing structure. Make sure there’s an affordable entry-level product for newbies and an expensive premium product to make the money!

If you like the sound of selling physical products, check out this in-depth guide to starting an online store. As for digital products, take a look at this case study of a couple who are making $600,000 every year.

4. Sell Your Skills (Freelance Or Coaching)

coding e-courses

If you can’t think of a specific product, sell yourself! Are you a good graphic designer? A coding genius? An SEO wizard?

Use your website to showcase your expertise and experience. Write blogs that establish your authority and grow your reach. When you’ve proven yourself, you can sell those skills. This is the staple business model for many marketing websites.

Take Bryan Harris for example. He built a strong community with his marketing blog. But much of his income comes from creating and selling marketing videos to businesses. As for e-courses and coaching, Linda Formichelli - a successful freelance writer - now makes her money by hosting writing e-courses. You can do the same with coding, app design, or just-about-anything-else!

5. Monetize Your Blog Using Native Advertising And Sponsored Posts

This monetization method is undoubtedly the future for media sites. The New York Times, Buzzfeed, and the Guardian all use this technique. In fact, according to some analysts, Buzzfeed makes 75% of its revenue this way.

What is it? In a nutshell, a brand pays you to create content that promotes it. Like this one on Buzzfeed paid for by Call of Duty. It’s an advert in camouflage:

As a small website, you’re probably not going to form a partnership with giant brands. But it’s very common for startups and smaller businesses to pay for a sponsored post. For example, ‘mom-blogs’ can make a fortune reviewing and promoting baby products. Again, the figure you can charge is generally based on your traffic and your audience.

Tech Insider has some great graphs on the unstoppable growth of this monetization method. Here’s a useful post on how to find sponsored post opportunities for your website. And here’s another to give you an idea of how much to charge.

6. Blog Monetization Options Using Subscriptions, Memberships, And Gated Content

Netflix’s subscription model

Ah, the old ‘leave ‘em wanting more’ trick. These methods are all about enticing your visitors with a great service or fantastic content. Then, when they’re hooked, charge them for a premium service.

Netflix does this with their free monthly trial. Spotify do it with a premium membership that gets rid of adverts and restrictions. If you’ve got a software or service-based site, this can work really well. Just make sure your visitors get a full taste of it first to convince them.

As for media sites, the ‘gated content’ is a more common technique. It’s used notably by the Financial Times, where a subscription is required if you want to read more than a couple of articles each day.

For a small blog, this would probably hurt you more than help you. However, you could use a variation. For example, offer a series of free tutorials or how-tos on your site. Then charge a small price to access more detailed guides.

If you like the sound of this method, Copyblogger has some great advice on setting up a membership/subscription site. If you choose the content gate technique, do read this guide on how it might affect your SEO.

7. Sell Your Site For a Profit

sell your website at Flippa

There is an entire industry devoted to buying and selling websites. Some entrepreneurs start a site with the single goal of selling it in a year’s time.

Of course, to make this a valid option, the site has to be valuable. It has to be making money already. Or, at the very least, have a big audience with potential for profit.

The best place to sell a website is ‘Flippa’ - a sort of eBay for websites. Though you can, of course, negotiate a private sale elsewhere. As for valuing it, most businesses are roughly valued at 3-6 times their profit, but you need to be more vigilant when you buy or sell website on Flippa because you may lose money if you do it wrong.

Like this idea of selling a website for money? Yaro Starak has done this plenty of times with his sites; here’s how. And check out ProBlogger's advice to avoid the most common mistakes.


Turns out it is not so difficult to answer the question "how to monetize a blog" after all. Making money from your website is very much possible. People are raking in big profits all over the web, but you’ve got to be smart, creative and disciplined about it. If you are into it then there are tons of other ways to make money online.

I’d love to hear about your experiences. Are you using any of these monetization techniques? How are they working for you?

Daren Low is the founder of and co-developer of the free Server Speed Test tool. With a decade of experience in website development and internet marketing to his name, Daren is considered a premier authority on all things related to building and managing an online presence. Feel free to pick his brain by connecting via Google+ and Twitter

The post How To Monetize A Blog In 2016 - 7 Methods appeared first on Ninja Outreach.


1,000+ Subscribers in 24 Hours From 1 Post, Without Paid Promotion

Alex Turnbull started the journey of growing his startup (Groove) with no readers and an unshakable determination to build an audience fast.

He got 1,000+ subscribers from a single blog post in 24 Hours.


I was blown away when I read his story. It’s so inspirational!

Let’s see how we can take this growth hack and turn it into action, using just one tool.

So what’s the Big Idea?

Before getting into the details, let’s see what is the high level strategy behind...

Alex told a friend about his approach: publish the content and email the link to influential people in his space


He got a “Dude. Are you kidding me right now?”

It’s true that this was happening in 2013 and since then influencer marketing became all the rage.

Right now, you face yet another challenge.

Influencers got bombarded with hundreds of templated messages, asking them for a share or a link. And just going for the “ask” will get you few positive answers, if any.

So the question is: does this strategy work right now? Are we too late at the party to capitalize on influencer marketing?

The good news is that this still works! There’s no question about it.

However, you need to do it right.

Influencer marketing relies on an evergreen principle.

There are people in your market that have access to huge audiences, relevant for your business.

As you’ll need a long time to build a big, targeted audience on your own, you can significantly speed up the process if you manage to get endorsed exposure to established, relevant audiences.

So let’s see how Alex did it.

STEP 1: Build an Influencers List

The 2 criteria Alex followed are pretty common sense, but both are crucial in order for this approach to work well:

  1. The influencer needs to have a similar audience with the one you’re trying to reach
  2. They should personally be able to get value out of your content

Aim to be as targeted as possible at this step. This will ensure that you gain a targeted audience and also that you get a much higher positive response rate from influencers.

I just need to add another prerequisite element here: your content should be top notch, otherwise don’t even bother with influencer marketing.

Related to the second point, it helps if you bring a fresh perspective on the topic you cover.

If the influencers you target have shared already a lot of similar content, they bring no value added to their audience. There’s no reason for them to share yet another article on a topic beaten to death.

Being distinctive is a must to catch their attention.

How to Perform This Step with Ninja Outreach

  • Log into the tool, or if you’re not a user yet, sign-up for a 14-day trial here.
  • In the header menu, go to “Content Prospecting” and type your relevant keywords to find thousands of influencers in your niche. Ninja Outreach has over 25 million websites in its database and growing.



  • Then switch to Social Prospecting and you can perform the influencers search within Twitter and Instagram.
  • Apply appropriate filters and perform searches using several related keywords and you’re all set.
  • Add the relevant influencers to your “Prospect List”, so that you can use this list for the next steps.

STEP 2: Engage Before Reaching Out

Even if you have the greatest content ever, you should not just go and ask the other person to share it.

As Alex puts it: “Nobody cares about you until you give them a reason.”

Always lead with value. Be the first to offer something valuable, not the first to ask.

This is exactly what Alex did.

He started to engage with the influencers quite a while before needing a share.

This warmed up the relationships and got him poised for success.

His exact engagement checklist is:

  1. Follow on Twitter
  2. Two tweets
  3. Two blog comments
  4. Two blog shares
  5. Personal email

You can adjust this list, but the principle is the same: engage with the influencers first.

Also, he did this on a quite large scale, starting to build relationships with more than 80 influencers.

If you want to get big results, you do need to take massive action.

How to Perform This Step with Ninja Outreach

  • Ninja Outreach automatically finds the social profiles and in most cases also the email addresses of your prospects. Then it makes them available to you, grouped together. Huge time saver!
  • So just head over to the “Prospect list” you built at STEP 1 for this project and you can start to perform all the steps Alex went through, from within the Ninja Outreach interface.

STEP 3: Validating the Idea

Even if Alex established contact and engaged with the influencers in the previous step, he still did not proceed with the “ask”.

He didn’t just send them the link.

Before publishing the post, he sent a message asking for the permission to share an exclusive link to the post with them.

This is actually a technique he borrowed from Derek Halpern and it was really effective: 83% of the people said yes.

Most people rush things and skip this step. And this is an opportunity for you to stand out via taking the time to build the relationship.

Asking for permission to share shows respect for the influencer and if you’ve done a good job in the previous steps, many will say yes.

How to Perform This Step with Ninja Outreach

  • The biggest challenge of this step is finding the influencers email address. Ninja Outreach automatically finds the email address of most prospects.
  • For the cases in which you don’t have the email address of the influencers, you have two options: (i) send a DM via Twitter or (ii) Ninja Outreach provides links to the ‘Contact’ pages of the blogs - just fill in the contact forms with your message.

STEP 4: The Ask (With an Easy Twitter Link Included)

An hour before publishing the post, Alex sent the link to all the influencers who confirmed interest.

And he did another great thing - he made it very easy for them to share the post, via including an easy to share tweet link (created with ClicktoTweet).

In 24 hours, the post generated 1,000+ subscribers.

As you can see, the “ask” itself is just a small part of the outreach process. A positive answer is mainly driven by all the steps taken before the “ask”.

How to Perform This Step with Ninja Outreach

  • For this step, you can follow the exact approach described at STEP 3.

STEP 5: Responding to Every Comment

All the previous steps described above paid off, as some really big names in the industry commented on the post.

This got the interest of other people who read the article and some of them commented, as well.

Alex responded to every comment, generating engagement, subscribers and gathering great feedback and ideas to use for developing additional content in the future.

STEP 6: Capitalizing on the Momentum

After publishing the first post, Alex continued to add value to its growing audience via posting new weekly content.

And all the hard work described in the previous steps paid off. After four weeks, he generated 5,000 email subscribers and 535 trial signups to the Groove SAAS.

These numbers are mind blowing, as many businesses don’t manage to build a list of 5,000 subscribers in a year.


Influencer marketing works and the above is just one case study. If you want to get inspired even more, check out these 32 more influencer marketing and blogger outreach case studies.

Here’s a watch out, though.

If done manually, the whole process can be incredibly time consuming.

That’s where an outreach tool that can assist you throughout the process can help a lot.

There’s a ton of outreach tools out there, and the purpose of the post was not to review them.

However, there is something I’d like to stress.

  • There are several phases of the outreach process when you do influencer marketing.
  • I believe the best way to go is to find a tool that you can use for each and every phase.

I like Ninja Outreach, but you shouldn’t necessarily just take my word for it.

I suggest to create an awesome piece of content and sgo for an influencer campaign this week.

Then sign up for a 14-day Ninja Outreach trial and kick off the outreach process, go through the whole experience yourself and see how you like the tool.

Try Alex’s approach and then come back and share with us your results in the comments.

Or if you’re already experienced, we’d love to hear from you what is your perspective on influencer marketing.

What are the tips and tricks you find most valuable?


Eugene Mota helps entrepreneurs build profitable blogs and businesses they love. Check out his highly actionable guide How to Start a Business in 8 Easy Steps and visit his blog for tips on how to get more leads and clients at

The post 1,000+ Subscribers in 24 Hours From 1 Post, Without Paid Promotion appeared first on Ninja Outreach.


How to Run Social Media Contests That Actually Increase Revenue

Tuesday 18 October 2016

The Ultimate Guide to Building an Outreach Based Link Building Team

All of link building (of the white hat variety) boils down to 4 key parts:

  1. Creating something cool/interesting/fun (this is called a linkable asset)
  2. Creating a list of prospects that will find your asset cool/interesting/fun
  3. Making contact with those people to show it to them/have them share it with their audience
  4. Following up with prospects who don’t see it or see it and don’t reply to you

There is another concept (calibration) that is extremely valuable but that’s not relevant to this piece.

You know the funny thing about the 4 steps above? They are all scaleable. Both individually and as an all inclusive system.

Link building is not hard, it is however long, laborious and repetitive. A little less so now that tools such as NinjaOutreach exist.

Team effort gif

In this article, I’m going to show you:

  1. How to break down the above steps into small repeatable tasks that can be done by almost anybody
  2. Where to find people to do these tasks for you
  3. How to set this up as a systemised process so that you don’t have to train people over and over again
  4. Show you a case study of how I got my team to build 28 links (for a client) in 1 month using just the information in this article

Break It Down

So as I stated above, for the most part there are 4 basic steps to gaining a white hat link, each of these steps needs to broken down into detail and turned into lists of tasks (that will be performed by others on your behalf).

The realization of this came to me when I was setting up a new client around 4 years ago, he paid his first invoice, so I pulled up my excel documents like I always did when a new client paid me. I had 2 spreadsheets:

  1. A to do list - a simple list of every single thing I had to do for a new client to give them my absolute best service, I kept it extremely detailed so that I didn’t ever forget anything.
  2. A project tracker - this was the hub of the projects, it contained all of the info on the client, all of their info, their content, passwords, the people I approached for links, the live links and was sent as part of the report each month.

But this time something was different, while I was doing these tasks, I realised that it didn’t take me very long, or much effort to do these things, and all I was doing was following a list and checking off what I had completed. ANYBODY COULD DO THIS (if they knew how).

So I posted a job on a freelance website and the rest is history….

What Staff Do You Need? Where To Find Them And What They Do For You

In essence you NEED 2 members of staff, there is an optional 3rd (project manager) for when you have done this a few times and no longer want to manage the others personally.

So you need:

  1. A prospector
  2. An outreach specialist

These job titles may seem like they require some form of training or prior knowledge with SEO, but we are creating a system that will provide EVERY single thing they will need and a instructions on how to perform each and every task.

I have this down to an art at this point, anybody who speaks fluent English (simply because I work with English speaking clients) can build links for my client at a level and in numbers that most brick and mortar agencies can only dream of.

So What Do Your Team Do?


This role is simply to go out and find as many prospects as possible, I provide them with a dynamic Google Sheet that contains every advanced operator under the sun, access to a project tracker (also Google Sheets) and a to do list.

They simply go through the to do list, taking every piece of information they need from the project tracker (such as keywords to use to find prospects, the link types I want them to find, the location of the client for local blogs, the services they sell so they aren’t finding competitors etc etc).

They are also given instructions on how to find contact info, and what metrics etc that a prospect needs to hit to be added as a target.

They keep the pipeline filled at all times so that we never run out of people to show our asset to.

Outreach Specialist

They are the ones in charge of contacting the targets, again they are provided with everything they need to fulfill this task, access to the same project tracker so they can grab the targets contact info.

They mostly grab the contact info, use a pre-written template, fill it with customization (for which they are given a step by step guide on things to look for to personalize this as much as possible).

I also have them check each target by eye to ensure they meet our requirements (so they have been checked twice) and send follow up emails up to 3 times depending on if the client doesn’t see the email or respond to it.

[Optional] Project Manager

They ensure that everybody is doing their job correctly, within budget and fill out all of the initial info in the project tracker (client URL, usable assets, location, keywords). They are given step by step instructions on how to do all of this, as well as the initial admin tasks such as:

  • Set up a new gmail account for the client
  • Gain access to any relevant reporting or set up if they don’t exist
  • Install my custom dashboard to the Google analytics account
  • Etc

Again, instructions on how to do this are provided.

The project manager reports to me every Monday via Slack to update me on all of the campaigns, this is where the calibration part from earlier comes in (but isn’t often required):

  • Is the content not getting a good response? Then we need to have the client create something new
  • Are the emails not being opened? We need a new subject line
  • Are they being opened but not responded to? We need to rethink the email

I find all of my staff on freelance websites in the VA categories, although NinjaOutreach have a pretty sweet service, which doesn’t even need your documentation as they’re already trained. Just tell them what you want and unleash them.

How To Set Up The System

So by this point, you already have a lot of the info, for each client I have 3 documents, a to do list, a project tracker and a dynamic list of operators to find all kinds of link types.

I also have a folder for each staff member that contains all of their step by step guides, these things are bare bones, like do this, then this type stuff.

Once you have all of these documents (which most of you will already have for your own personal systems) then you just have to find people who can follow basic instructions well.

So that’s my system, it relies on no special tools (with the exception of Google services) but there is another option, an option that doesn’t need any of the info I gave you above….

How My Brand New Team Did In 21 Days

21 days ago, I hired a new pair of staff, i would project manage myself for the purposes of this case study.

The aim - to have 2 completely inexperienced people (one from India and another from Canada) to build me white hat links for a client without any of my training.

The plan - I would use the resources and tools provided by NinjaOutreach with as little involvement from myself as possible to let these 2 people go ahead and perform their duties. I still gave them a task list and access to a project tracker (as I use this to report to clients in real time). After everthing they did within NinjaOutreach, they would go into the project tracker and add the info.
Completed tasks
Contact lists
Live links

The outcome - the client would not allow me to add content to his site (it is a Spanish teaching course and has a very particular style to it). So I decided that the best form of links to target would be guest posts, meaning I’d find people willing to accept his content, pitch them an idea and then send an approved title over to the client to write up, then I’d send it back to the blogger and have a post published.

Targets approached - 94 (these were all of the results that met the criteria that were found by typing a single keyword in NinjaOutreach)
Number of replies - 77
Number of Posts published to date - 28
Accepted posts still awaiting to be written or published - 11
Total links from this experiment - 39
Total time spent - 10 hours (2 prospecting, 8 on outreach and follow up)

Not too bad, considering the costs incurred and the fee paid by the client (I’ll be keeping these private).

What exactly did I give the staff members to do?

This is the easiest part, I just gave them a link to this page and which instructions they should follow:

The guide I gave them to follow:
Collect Contact Information From Google With NinjaOutreach
Find Someone’s Email Address With NinjaOutreach
Get Featured On Interviews And Podcasts With NinjaOutreah
Get Product Reviews, Guest Posts, And Mentions With NinjaOutreach

They are now continuing with this project, by integrating resource page links by following this guide too - Get Links On Resource Pages With NinjaOutreach

Dan Ray runs a link building agency over at RayDigital and an infrequently updated blog on various marketing subjects (cough cough link building and sales funnels) over at

The post The Ultimate Guide to Building an Outreach Based Link Building Team appeared first on Ninja Outreach.
