Thursday 30 November 2017

Stop the Presses - How to get Journalists Talking About YOU

In Hollywood, they say any publicity is good publicity.

Tesla did publicity right when they launched their product at an event specially hosted for Hollywood stars.

Tesla was by no means the only electric car manufacturer in the US. In fact, it wasn’t even the first. But if Arnold Schwarzenegger and a bunch of other A-listers publicly thought Tesla’s product was great and they actually wrote checks to preorder it—then it’s about to get some major press time.

From Automobile magazines to Wired, CNET, Fortune Magazine, the New York Times, you name it—the press was glowing.

These days, if you think electric cars, you think—Tesla.

Now we're not saying you should go TMZ on your business just to get some attention, but we do believe a little press goes a long way.

Love 'em or hate 'em, journalists are still the keyholders of the press. So if you want to get featured, it always pays to get journalists to talk about YOU.

And that, dear subscriber, is why we came up with these strategies on how to use Ninja Outreach to help you connect with journalists.

Using the Prospecting Tab to Find Journalists

Most journalists maintain their own social media profiles, so that’s one good place to start looking for them.

Say you’re a SaaS company and want to find tech journalists to write about your business.

Just go to the Prospecting > Social Influencers tab and type a keyword like “tech,” or “tech journalist,” for example.

Through this tab, you can quickly comb through millions of Twitter and Instagram profiles. You can also use filters and tags to find the most relevant journalists to cover your brand or business.

Next, check the filter tag for Journalist. Checking “Include” means the engine will specifically search for the words “Journalist, PR, Writer, Author, Editor, and Press in each prospect’s bio.

Hit enter and add the relevant results to your list. Add as many relevant journalists as you can. The bigger your prospect pool, the better.

Once you’ve exhausted all possible prospects from this search, start another one.

How about searching for prospects using the keywords “Forbes contributor”?

Some alternatives you can also use are:

  • Forbes author
  • Forbes writer
  • Forbes columnist

You can even use these keywords for other publications such as Inc., Business Insider, and Entrepreneur magazine, among others.

You can do this search in the Prospecting > Social Influencers tab.

Alternatively, you can also make this search in the Prospecting > Find Leads tab.

Every time you see a good fit, just click the Add button at the top right section of the prospect card to save them to your list.

Once you’ve exhausted all the prospects you can find using Ninja Outreach social search, it’s time to switch to other Prospecting tabs.

How to Find Publications

Go to Prospecting > Promotion opportunities and search for relevant publications. Use a keyword like “tech magazine” for starters.

Next, sort the results by Alexa Rank, Domain Authority, or Social Shares—whichever metric fits your goals best.

As before, you can review each prospect one by one and add them to your prospect list individually, or you can click save all, which saves all results into your list instantly.

Again, try to collect as many prospects as you can.

Once your search runs dry, try other keywords. “Tech blogs,” “tech publications,” “tech news,” “tech press,” etc.

Importing Results from Google Search

It’s no secret that Google has one of the most advanced search engines out there, so why not make use of it?

You can run your search on Google as well. For example, here’s a search you can do using Advanced Operators.

[Topic+Target-keyword] site:[URL of your target publication]


Tech contributor

If you’re mostly satisfied with what you see, simply import your Google search results into your prospects list using Ninja Outreach chrome extension.

Here’s how to install and use the Chrome extension.

And here’s how to import Google search results into your NinjaOutreach web app list.

Building Relationships with Journalists

Once you’ve added enough contacts to your list, it’s time to jumpstart your relationship.

First, you have to remember—the early rapport-building stage is NOT the right time to send a pitch.


Forbes contributor Josh Steimle, who covers marketing and entrepreneurship for the online magazine, had this to say:

From a journalist who, by his admission, receives tons of pitches a day, this advice is golden.

So with this in mind, you can start with an intro outreach, follow them on social media, subscribe to their newsletter, comment on their posts—anything to help put your name on their radar.

For example, once you’ve checked out a prospect’s blog or articles, you can send them an intro outreach.

Here’s one example from our pre-written templates.

Another example using our original pre-written template version:

The next one below is an edited version modified to fit your specific needs.

It’s a good intro outreach because it shows you read your prospect’s content, you’ve shared this interest with your audience, and you want to know more.


For more examples of pre-written templates that you can use (or modify), just go to Outreach > Templates > Create Template

Click Load Pre-Written Templates and choose the most relevant one from the selection. Modify this to suit your particular campaign.

If all else fails, you can always create a fully personalized outreach email from scratch.

As you do this, update your prospects’ relationship labels.

Relationship labels identify what stage of the relationship you are on with your prospect.

Here’s more on how to manage your Relationship labels with prospects.

All changes to your relationship labels are recorded in NinjaOutreach, so you can track when you first sent your email, first retweeted a post of theirs on Twitter and other actions.

This lets you gauge when the time is right for you to finally send your pitch.

It also provides you personalized points of reference for when you’re crafting your outreach email.

For example, instead of yet another generic intro, you can see in your Relationship label history that you shared an article of theirs on a particular date.

With this data on hand, you can then say something like this in your message: “Loved your recent post! I actually shared it all over my social circles last week and I got a lot of comments about how [something about a point prospect made in the article]…”

Making an effort to build a relationship with a journalist may take a bit more time, but pitching to someone you’ve already built some rapport with will definitely up your chances of success, compared to a blind outreach to journalists who’ve never heard of you before.

So, connect with them first, be patient, and see how far this will take you.

As Forbes’s Josh concluded:

Outreach to Journalists

Once you’ve built enough rapport, it’s time to prepare the perfect pitch.

Take note:

Journalists receive as many as 20 to 50 pitches per day on average. Some even get at least 100 or more. Out of these journalists, the majority write only two or fewer stories per day. And, on top of all this, only a few often write a story based on pitches.

As you can see, the margin of acceptance is pretty small. So if you must pitch something, make sure it’s something relevant and worthwhile—not what’s interesting to you, but to your target audience.

If you did your prospecting well, then the audience that you’re targeting should be the same audience that your journalist prospects would also want to please.

Take for example the case of Klooff, a social media app for pets.

Klooff, based in Chile, wanted to enter the American market.

But, instead of doing a traditional press release barrage, the PR firm they hired suggested three story ideas that Klooff could pitch to US media.

Now, if you look at these headlines below, you won’t immediately see anything directly promoting the Klooff app. What you see, instead, is an understanding of the interests of Klooff’s potential readers and by default, target users.

  • 3 Ways Pets Teach Your Kids Important Life Lessons
  • How to Take Better Care of Your Pets and Save Money
  • Which dog breed is most likely to score you a date?

But, they didn’t keep the ideas to their internal drawing board. Klooff also asked their target audience what interested them most.

After surveying 1k people, they finally got the results—the third headline, under the dating and relationships angle.

With a data-backed decision, they then pitched this to the media.

The result? They loved it.

Klooff’s story was featured in major publications across 21 countries, and their app went from zero to 20k users.

So what should you do?

Do research on the things your target audiences are interested in, what’s trending in their community, find out who the talking heads are, and what story angles do journalists in that niche typically cover.

What you absolutely shouldn’t do? Mass send a generic pitch to all your journalist prospects.

But what if you have a thousand (or more) prospects?

The answer is, no, you don’t have to write 3,557 outreach emails for each of your 3,557 prospects. (That’s a random number, by the way.)

You can change some details to fit each different prospect at least—just don’t send the exact same outreach message to everyone.

For example, below is our pre-made outreach templates pitching a blogger to feature you in an interview or podcast.

Obviously, you can’t send that as is, but it’s a good place to start crafting some ideas.

Some personalizations you can do are:

  • Use Custom Fields so you can tailor for each prospect's first name, blog title, website URL, etc. For a more detailed guide on how to create custom fields and templates,
  • Edit the templates from within the email text section

  • Click Create new template to craft a specific message for each group of prospects.

Of course, bloggers understand outreach, and are more likely to respond to outreach templates such as the one we shared above.

But journalists for bigger publications are tougher nuts to crack. So you have to step up and actually do a bit more work with your pitch.

For reference, below is an example of our own non-generic pitch sent to TC:

As you can see, we put a little more effort into that one.

How to Set up an Automated Outreach Campaign

When we say automated campaign, we don’t mean you simply click a button and all your work is done.

What we mean by an automated campaign is you get automated sends and follow-ups.

You still personalize your messages, but you don’t need to sit in front of your computer all day, sending each of those outreach messages and follow-ups to each of your thousands of prospects one by one.

To know more about integrating your email and setting up an automated outreach campaign, read our helpdesk article here.

Once you start getting replies, NinjaOutreach will track all these and you can view analytics such as the number of Clicks, Replies, and Opens, for each template you used.

As your campaign goes along, update the relationship labels of your prospects. That way, you won’t mistakenly send a follow-up to prospects who have already replied to you.

Last Words

As your outreach campaign machine chugs along, stay patient.

Most importantly, stay firm. Keep sending worthwhile pitches to as many journalists as you can. It may sound cliche, but don’t give up.

Why? It might seem daunting to think of pitching to, say, 5,000 tech journalists.

But think of it this way, if you manage to get through to at least 1% of these leads, that means you get covered by 50 publications—which is not bad at all.

Hazel Mae Pan is Content Manager for NinjaOutreach. She is in charge of content writing, co-editing, and developing the strategy for the NinjaOutreach blog.

The post Stop the Presses - How to get Journalists Talking About YOU appeared first on Ninja Outreach.


Tuesday 28 November 2017

Empowering Women in Tech Through Mentorship

When I started college, my goal was to become a doctor. Of course, it’s probably clear that was not the path I ultimately chose to take. I am currently a Senior Software Engineer here at Sprout Social, a position I landed in after nearly 16 years in the technology space.

My choice to switch directions from doctor to engineer is one that has been extremely rewarding, but certainly not without its difficulties. Similar to most women in the industry, or really women in general, I would love to say the experiences that led me here were challenging in all the right ways, but as most of us know that isn’t the truth.

Being a woman in technology can be overwhelming and intimidating, especially when you are new to the workforce or starting a new position. While this is understandable considering only 18% of undergraduate computer science degrees and 26% of computing jobs are held by women, it should not be acceptable.

More often than not, I have found myself being the only woman in a class, meeting or even on a team, which has led me to look for opportunities that provide supporting and engaging environments for women. This is one of the reasons I feel so fortunate to work at Sprout. Everyday I am reminded of the commitment Sprout has to beat the industry standards and create a workplace where women, and people from all backgrounds, feel welcome.

One way I have seen this come to light is through an opportunity I had this past summer to mentor a young woman, Gwyn, who joined Sprout’s engineering team as an intern. Having experienced first hand the benefits of having a female mentor during my summer internship in college, I was thrilled to serve as a mentor for Gwyn and proud of my company for seeing the benefits of providing this type of resource to her.

My goal for the mentorship was to help relieve the uneasiness of being on a primarily male team, support Gwyn in her career journey and be a role model. Throughout the summer we got together weekly to discuss any questions or concerns, share a glimpse into what we were each working on and talk about life outside the office. After every meeting I was reminded about the power mentorship can have on encouraging and keeping women in technology. I still reflect on and appreciate the wealth of knowledge I gained during my mentorship in college. Not to mention, having a strong mentor was a large factor in my decision to accept a full time offer from that company.

In both of my mentorships I have been lucky enough to build professional relationships, as well as friendships and I look forward to seeing how increased access to mentorships like these will impact the industry in the future.

This post Empowering Women in Tech Through Mentorship originally appeared on Sprout Social.


How to Setup a Successful Twitter Advertising Campaign

Thursday 23 November 2017

Links, Links, Links - Proven Tactics to Build Links

Is link building dead?

I’m sure like me, you’ve been seeing more of these link sceptic articles cropping up recently.

Some of them have strong enough points that it’s definitely got me thinking about our own SEO and content marketing strategies at NinjaOutreach.

So, we did our own research and some testing of our own.

Here are some of what we found:

1. Brian Dean’s link building campaign, which he called the Skyscraper Technique, boosted his search traffic by 110% in 14 Days

2. Google’s Andrey Lippatsev actually said that links are among Google’s top two ranking factors.

3. Through our competitor link building campaign, which we started in 2016, we were able to acquire thousands of backlinks which contributed to our site reaching a domain authority (DA) of 50-plus.

Our conclusion?

Link building still works. If done carefully, it can bring your business tons of traffic and authority on Google.

And if you want to reach as many opportunities as you can, I’ll share with you some tactics we’ve used to build links, along with how we used NinjaOutreach to accomplish these link building campaigns much faster.

Links, Links, Links - Proven Tactics to Build Links

There are tons of ways to get links. In fact, some specialists have already compiled a list of hundreds of strategies.

Of course, it’s not as easy as one, two, three. You’d need to do some heavy prospecting and outreach—and that’s where time can just slip past (and fast) under your nose.

Good luck if you’re going to do this manually.

But if you want to get things done faster, you can get ahead by using a tool. And that’s what we made NinjaOutreach for.

In this tutorial, I’ll teach you how to use NinjaOutreach to expedite your link building campaigns.

I’ll also discuss the top link building tactics that, from our personal experience, gave the most impactful results. All of these are white hat and, incidentally, are also tactics that you can accomplish the fastest with NinjaOutreach:

  • Broken Link Building
  • Competitor Link Building
  • Resource Page Link Building
  • Expert Roundups
  • Getting Featured on Interviews and Podcasts

Broken link building

Broken link building is a white-hat link building tactic where you identify sites that have broken links in their posts.

These broken links should refer to an item or content that’s similar to yours so you can then notify the webmaster about the broken link and recommend your own working link as an alternative.

In this case study, they were able to acquire 17 backlinks in just one day!

Here’s how you can use NinjaOutreach for that.

Prospecting for broken links with NinjaOutreach

Let’s say you wrote a post about “brand storytelling,” and you want to find other brand storytelling posts with broken links in them (or that are broken links themselves).

Go to NinjaOutreach Prospecting > Promotion Opportunities tab and type your keyword “brand storytelling.” Click the box for Exact Match then hit Search.

Click the filter and set the Domain Authority (DA) to at least 30. That way, you get more high-quality prospects.

Review your prospect results, then click Save All.

Choose the first 50 prospects, then add these into a list or create a new one.

Any duplicates will be removed from the results if you redo your search. So depending on the time you have, redo your search and keep adding more prospects until you accumulate a list of at least 100 to 3k.

Now export your CSV, open it, and look for the column that has the page URLs. In this case, it’s column G.

Next, you need to check the links for 404s.

To do that, You can use a 404 checker like this chrome extension.

Once you install it, you can load each of your target pages and run the extension. It then scans each page and highlights any 404 links in red.

Check the 404s to see if the content it’s linking to is similar to yours, which makes it okay for you to suggest your own working link as an alternative.

If it fits, keep the prospect in your CSV. If it’s a negative, delete it from your sheet.

Keep doing this until you’ve reached at least 50 prospects or exhausted your search results.

After this point, you can actually start your outreach to the webmasters that have broken links.

However, if you want to add more prospects to your list and thus, up your chances of getting positive responses, it’s best to trace other people who’ve used the same broken URL too, which you can do by putting the link in a backlink checker like Moz.

How to add more broken backlink prospects

Going back to your original spreadsheet, copy all the URLs in the column that has the page URLs. In this case, it’s column G.

Next, open up a free bulk link checker such as this one, which allows you to check up to 50 links. Copy paste the page URLs into the form field and click submit.

Once the results are in, sort by Status so that all 404s are grouped together. Those are your broken links. Tag them in your spreadsheet as broken.

Now that you have identified all the broken links, it’s time to find out everyone else who might have linked to these dead URLs.

To do that, you can use tools like MOZOse, Ahrefs, or Majestic.

For this example I took one broken url, and used Moz’s free OpenSiteExplorer to identify all the other bloggers that linked to this dead page.

Now, you can export these results into another CSV and import to NinjaOutreach.

When importing, just choose MozOSE in the Provider Format.

This adds more new prospects to the list.

To review your prospect list, go to Prospects > Your Lists of Prospects, and click the Prospect list you need to review.

Once you’ve finalized your list, it’s time to do your outreach.

How to set up a broken link building outreach campaign

To start your outreach, integrate your email with NinjaOutreach first.

Next, you’re going to need a proper template.

Got to the Outreach tab and click Templates to see our list of template examples.

To access even more templates, you can click Create Template, then Load Pre-Written template. The dropdown will show you even more templates to choose from.

Below is one of our pre-written templates that you can reuse or modify.

Once you’ve decided on a template, you just need to set up your campaign and you’re done!

At this point, you can either sit back and wait for any replies, or you can set up another link building campaign.

Competitor link building with NinjaOutreach

Competitor link building is much like broken link building, but with a subtle twist. Instead of using keywords about your target topic, you search directly for all the bloggers who have linked to one or more of your competitors.

The rationale: if a blogger has written about or linked to a business or product similar to yours, chances are, they may be interested to check you out for comparison.

To start prospecting, create a list of other sites or products that you think are similar to yours. For example, if you’re a digital marketing tool, run a search for that keyword.

Below is a query you can use with an advanced search operator to exclude your site from any results.

[Your Topic] -site:[Your Website URL]

Ex. digital marketing tool -site:

You can do this search on the NinjaOutreach platform or Google.

If you use NinjaOutreach, you can review the search results from there, delete bad ones, and save the prospects that fit into your list.

If you use Google, set Google settings to display up to 100 results.

Import the results to your NinjaOutreach account. Here’s how.

Review your list by clicking Prospects > Lists of Prospects.

Here are more tutorials on how to manage your prospects:

Sort your list by number of backlinks so you can target which sites to prioritize—the ones with the most backlinks, of course.

From your list, pick a URL and paste this into a backlink checker tool. In our case, we use Ahrefs.

Enter the URL into the search bar, choose the Exact URL option, then hit Search.

Click the Backlinks section to show backlinks, click All links, then choose the Live links option.

You can also choose to show only the Dofollow links, which we did. Otherwise, you can simply show All links.

Once done, just click the Export button to download the results into a CSV then import this CSV into your new outreach list.

Here’s more on how to import and export lists with NinjaOutreach.

These new prospects are the ones who’ve linked to your competitor and it’s time to review their articles so you can craft a proper outreach plan.

For example, if you found a tool roundup article, this is a pre-written NinjaOutreach template you can use or modify to reflect your particular situation.

Set a followup email and wait for responses.

How to set up an expert roundup link building campaign

An expert roundup is a massive list-type post where you reach out to a bunch of influencers and, in exchange for a backlink to them, you ask for these expert’s input about your topic—usually a question in their niche that they can easily answer.

A good number to go with would be to feature at least 30 to 50-plus experts. You will quote them and link to them. Once your post is published, you reach out to these experts one more to inform them that the post has been published, give them a URL, and a Click to Share link for  their social media.

If the experts took the time to contribute to your roundup, it would also be in their best interest to help you promote it, so if you get a good response rate to your roundup request, then it’s a win-win situation.

Doing expert roundups has been one of our most effective link building tactics. It’s free, can potentially feature a ton of influencers, and are most likely to get backlinks from these high-powered experts as well.

Say you want to create an expert roundup about SEO trends for 2018, for example.

Prospecting is pretty much the same. Just go to Prospecting > Social Influencers/Most Shared Content/Find Leads, enter the keywords of your niche, and filter the results on key metrics such as DA, engagement, followers, etc., to make sure they have a large following and will drive you traffic.

To set up your outreach campaign along with your automated follow ups, read this.

To manage your campaigns and lists, read this tutorial.

How to manage an expert roundup campaign

Tip #1

To manage your campaign deadlines, create a dedicated list and add a tag for the deadline of the response to your campaign. This way, you’ll be constantly reminded every time you see it.

Go to Lists > Lists of Prospects then click Create List. Name your list and save your prospects in there.

If this doesn’t work, go back to your list, click the bulk actions checkbox at the top left, then click the edit button.

If you need to set separate deadline tags for the prospects in your list, check the boxes on the far left of the prospect card then click edit.

Enter your tags in the tags input field, don’t forget to hit Enter, and click Save.

Now, every time you see a prospect card related to your expert roundup, you’ll see the deadline in the tags area.

You can also filter prospects in your list according to their response deadline.

Just go to Filter lists > Tags and choose the deadline from the dropdown.

For more on how to filter for tags and relationship labels, read this.

Tip #2

Another thing you can do is to bulk tag all your prospects as No Response at the start of your campaign.

As before, check the bulk actions checkbox, then click Edit.

Add the tag No Response, hit Enter, then click Save.

Later on, when you want to follow up, you can do a filter on the tag No Response, and you’ll have all the prospects neatly lined up.

Hint: You can also go to Filter Lists > All Contacts

You can then choose to follow up with prospects who have done either of the actions in the dropdown below, such as those with follow-ups due, have opened your email, clicked a link, etc.

Tip #3

As responses come in, go to the prospect card of those who replied and overwrite the their no response tags with a yes response.

This way, you can easily filter by prospects who responded later on and you’ll know exactly who to reach out to once the post is published.

We’ve given you the tips. Now, we’d like to give you some of our outreach template recommendations for expert roundups.

For your initial outreach, you can use the following.

Here’s one example from Brian Dean:

And one of our own at NinjaOutreach:

So, you’ve published your expert roundup post and it’s time to thank your influencer participants.

For those kinds of follow-ups, we also have the following template recommendations. Modify them as you see fit.

Another example from Brian Dean:

A script we’ve used internally:

Link Building Campaign through Resource Pages

Resource page link building is the process of looking for high-authority resource pages relevant to your niche. You send the webmaster a pitch to add your website to its list of resources, which means you also get a backlink.

If done right, resource page link building can be a great 80/20 link building strategy. They are powerful pages to get a backlink from, and yet it’s easy to get listed.

This is because the pages themselves are intended to be resources, so admins are always looking to add links to them.

As long as you have a valuable resource, you have a good shot at getting a link.

We’ve done a ton of resource page link building at NinjaOutreach. For example, this link on DA 62 site, Prezly:

Now prospecting to create a decent sized list and doing outreach to all these prospects is now walk in the park.

That’s why in our campaigns, we’ve always used NinjaOutreach to get things done faster.

Below, I’ll teach you how you can use our tool for your own resource page link building campaign.

How To Find Resource Pages With NinjaOutreach

Say you want your website to get listed in resource pages for marketing.

The most effective way to find people who have resource pages is through the Prospecting tab.

Just go to Prospecting > Find Leads then click Filter > All Featured Pages, and choose Resource Page.

This will filter the results to show only Resource Page types.

Next, just enter your niche keyword, click Exact Match, then hit Search. Since you’re not using any advanced search operators at this point, you’re likely to get more results.

You can manually filter, sort, or review your results, then add any prospects that fit into your list.

Hint: You may want to sort or filter by a Domain Authority to make sure you are prioritizing the highest authority pages.

Now for more targeted (but lesser) results, you can run your search with any of these advanced search operators.

[Your-Topic] inurl:resource


Marketing inurl:resource

[Your-Topic] inurl:category/resource/


Marketing inurl:category/resource/

[Your-Topic] intitle:resource


Marketing intitle:resource

You can also pair them with variations of what Moz calls Prospecting Phrases.


Marketing inurl:“suggested links”

Marketing inurl:“related sites”

You can try variations of these using “resources,” “resource page,” and “tools” as well.

Once you find what you need, you can add and manage your prospects straight from within NinjaOutreach.

If you don't find what you need from within the platform, you can make the same searches in Google, then just import the results into NinjaOutreach. NinjaOutreach will automatically remove any duplicates.

Once you’ve finalized your prospect lists, it’s time to set up your outreach campaign.

As I’ve mentioned, before embarking on any outreach campaign you’ll need to integrate your email address with NinjaOutreach first.

Below is an example of a script we’ve used in our own resource page link building.

So, there you have it!

The topmost effective link building tactics that we’ve used, tested and proven with NinjaOutreach.

Try it out with the tool and let us know how you do.

As always, for any other questions, our Support Ninjas are always ready to assist you.

Hazel Mae Pan is Content Manager for NinjaOutreach. She is in charge of content writing, co-editing, and developing strategy for the NinjaOutreach blog.

The post Links, Links, Links - Proven Tactics to Build Links appeared first on Ninja Outreach.


Friday 17 November 2017

#SproutChat Recap: The Relationship Between SEO & Social Media

Social media and SEO have an almost symbiotic relationship. Having a solid understanding of SEO basics certainly helps your brand in the long run, but knowing how social media and SEO can work together is even more beneficial.

In this week’s #SproutChat, we were joined by Sprout All Star, Lexie Kimball of Netvantage Marketing, to discuss how social and SEO efforts work together and best practices for creating SEO-focused content.

Similar but Different

Social media and SEO play each play separate, yet integral roles in any brand and should be utilized to the fullest extent. Both are based on algorithms that help with ranking, but aren’t quite the same style.

Exposure Is Key

Looking to social media as the platform in which you deliver quality SEO content can help inform your overall strategies. Make sure you are consistently sharing the best content for maximum exposure.

Tailor Content for the Platform

There isn’t one ideal place to put all SEO efforts, but it is important to make note of where your SEO plays will flourish and where your audience lives. There is no point in putting all of your eggs in one basket if your audience isn’t there.

Listen to Your Customers

By understanding the types of conversations your audience is having on across social, you can easily assess what keywords to use in your SEO content. Keeping your finger on the pulse of your customers informs how you might go about tweaking your SEO strategy.

Looking Forward

The relationship between social media and SEO will likely become more dependent as time progresses. As paid social becomes a more realistic future for marketers, search rankings and optimizing on social may start to evolve social media strategies. Both SEO and social teams should emphasize working together for optimal marketing programs.

We’ll be taking a break next Wednesday, November 22, but we’ll see you on November 29 to chat about essential tools for any Community Manager. Until then be sure to join our Facebook community to chat with other folks in the industry.

This post #SproutChat Recap: The Relationship Between SEO & Social Media originally appeared on Sprout Social.
