Wednesday 21 December 2016

13 Expert Tips on Running a Lucrative Business

You wake up whenever you want. You sit in your cozy pajamas, doing what you love, and it helps you grow revenue.

Running a lucrative business is just a kind of dream, isn't it?

According to one survey, 40% of people want to start their own business.


Here comes the bleak truth about startups: 90% of them fail.

A logical question appears: what are the reasons?

  • Money: The main idea of starting up is to get profit, but you need to spend a considerable amount of money before you start earning them. Any business needs investments, so people can run out of money on running it.
  • Time: Although it's hard to say how many hours a week is required to run a business, some people work on their startup up to 60 hours. If you're not ready to spend a considerable amount of time working, you might find out that startups don't work well for you.
  • Expertise in different fields: No matter what the niche is, you need to have good skills in marketing in order to promote your business. Obviously, you can learn how to optimize your website, but you need to keep on improving different skills. (Yes, you need to be an expert even if you have a great staff).

Keeping all that data in mind, what are the odds of success? Why do people want to set foot in the business niche?

Actually, there are many reasons to start your business:

  • to be in charge of your income
  • to show your expertise in the niche
  • to grow as a team leader
  • to create a team of your dreams
  • to love what you do
  • to balance work and life

If you can stand out from other people, you can achieve a tremendous success. Thus, it's getting obvious why people give it a try.

However, many new entrepreneurs crave for actionable tips that are able to suit their needs, and learning from people who succeeded is a great way to get motivation and inspiration.

1. Set Foot in the Niche You're Interested in

An average person spends around 30% of life working, and 50.4% of people are not satisfied with their jobs. If you've decided to start up with your business, why not to choose a niche you're interested in?

If you love what you do, you can do it with a passion which means bringing better results. Plus, you can stay happy which also affects your well-being.

2. Learn from Your Customers

Listen to your customers, especially if they're not satisfied with the quality of your product. They can give you a hint on what to work on in order to keep on improving your services.

Although it might be hard to deal with negative feedback and not ruin your reputation, it's the greatest source of inspiration.

3. Never Give Up

Making mistakes is a normal process of gaining experience, and you need to know how to deal with regrets in business if you want to achieve success but not be to blame yourself for faults.

People can't be successful if they give up once failure happens. Do you need inspiration? Pay attention to the list of famous people who failed before succeeding.

4. Focus on Quality

While it's nearly impossible to create a product that can be perfect for all people, it's important to create a qualitative product that can be a perfect match for your target audience.

For instance, if you want to open a restaurant, don't try to serve all popular dishes. It can harm the quality of your services which also harm your reputation.

It's better to be an expert at one thing than be mediocre at everything.

5. Take Risks

Although many people are afraid of taking risks, you need to be risky as you never know what you can do until you try.

The business niche is competitive, but it's full of opportunities, so you need to take a step outside of your comfort zone and try things that might scare you.

6. Be Responsible for Your Team

To run a lucrative business, you need to be a true leader not a boss. If you know how to encourage and motivate your staff, you can achieve a lot.

However, a true leader will always be responsible for the team and its actions, so show your colleagues how much you value and take care of them, and you will get their respect.

7. Create Great Work Environment

If you want to grow your business and, therefore, increase your income, you need to start with motivating your team.

If your team is motivated to achieve the same goal, your business can flourish. There is no better way to keep your employees motivated and inspired than create great work environment.

8. Have Passion for Your Business

Do you track time while doing something that brings you joy? I bet you don't. If you have a passion for something, you do it with a big pleasure, and it can give better results as you put much effort.

What can be better than earning money with your hobby? It's a kind of dream, indeed.

9. Try Something New

Thinking outside the box is an actionable way to expand your knowledge and increase the number of opportunities around you.

Although it's hard to give something new a try, you need to do it in order to see things from different perspectives.

10. Set Big Goals

Even if successful people have doubts, they never set small goals. If you dream big, you achieve a lot.

Most entrepreneurs know about S.M.A.R.T goal setting and use this method to grow their business.

If you're a true leader, you're not interested in achieving small results; you struggle for better. Always.

11. Put Your Customers First

No matter what your product or service is, you should put your customers and their needs first.

If you know how to suit them, you can get positive feedback, and the number of your clients will increase even without investing much money into your promotion.

12. Contribute

Running a lucrative business is not just about earning money; it's also about being beneficial for people. If you can do something outstanding that will be useful for the humankind, people will never forget you, and it's a proof of being a successful person.

13. Take Your Time

Making decisions in a hurry can give you nothing but extra work. To make the right decision, you need to know all pros and cons to understand whether it's worth trying.

Thus, take your time, do research, ask experienced people for advice, and your decisions will give you benefits only!

Key Takeaways

If you're about to start up a business, and you want to make it lucrative, pay attention to the key takeaways:

  • 9 out of 10 people fail. Get ready for a failure, but do your best to stand out.
  • Hard work is a key to success. Sometimes you need to work overtime to achieve success, and you will work hard to grow your business.
  • Learn from other people. If you learn from your mistakes, that's great. If you learn from others, that's even better! Prevent making mistakes, and start living a better life!Thus, listen to people who succeed and implement things that might work well for you.


Checking out the most profitable small-business industries is not enough to start up and succeed. Once you've decided what business to run, it's time to learn from other people, and the above-mentioned tips might be helpful to boost inspiration.

Are you motivated to start up? What is the most important tip you've learned today?


Andrew Howe is a student who dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur. He runs AdverbLess website to help people improve their writing skills. Andrew writes for different websites to share his expertise and grow as a writer. Don't hesitate to follow him on Twitter or drop him a line at

The post 13 Expert Tips on Running a Lucrative Business appeared first on Ninja Outreach.


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