Friday 31 March 2017

#SproutChat Recap: The Future of Content Marketing

There’s a plethora of information and options available to consumers. All of which can make it overwhelming for buyers to make a purchasing decision. Content marketing has enabled organizations to prove their expertise and point of difference through thought leadership articles, how-to’s and videos. While these marketing methods have proven successful for bringing in leads and converting consumers, crafting exceptional content isn’t easy. Content marketing takes time, research, creativity and the ability to collect and measure the right data, identify patterns and adjust strategies.

On this week’s #SproutChatSprout All Star, Beth M. Wood, joined us for an insightful conversation on what marketers should expect and incorporate as they create and strategize on content.

Content Trends Are Always Changing

We’ve seen the evolution of content becoming more interactive and entertaining. On many social networks, content needs ad dollars behind it to have any kind of impact. Regardless, it must resonate with viewers or it will quickly get passed over. Trends have been heavily dictated by social network updates such as Facebook auto-play and Instagram Stories. Brands must stay on top of these changes and adjust their strategy at the drop of a hat in order to stay relevant and reach their target audience.

“Short & Sweet” Shouldn’t Apply to All Content

We’ve seen a shift short, “snackable” content. However, not all content should follow this rule. Never sacrifice the messaging in order to stay within an arbitrary timeframe guideline. The amount of value should correlate with the length. Don’t try to communicate too much with a 30-second video and don’t lack key takeaways in a 2,000 word blog post.

Combine Content Best Practices With What Works for Your Audience

Standard best practices advise that how-to articles and listicles are an easy win. While there’s value in abiding by what other brands have had success implementing, you should always be cognizant of what specifically is resonating with your audience. Perhaps a more narrative approach is more valuable. Look for evidence in the data, as well as anecdotally, to determine the direction of your overall strategy.

What to Expect in the Near Future

Stay ahead of the curve! Here’s what the #SproutChat community expects to be successful in near future.

Join us next week on Wednesday, April 5 at 2 p.m. CDT. We’ll discuss how to be successful on all social networks. Until then, join our Facebook group to network and discuss any other social media marketing topics on your mind.

This post #SproutChat Recap: The Future of Content Marketing originally appeared on Sprout Social.


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