Friday 1 September 2017

#SproutChat Recap: Social Media for Social Good

Many nonprofits are strapped for resources, so they don’t often have the extra cash to invest in larger campaign budgets. As a way to combat this, many nonprofits turn to social media to find their audience and raise awareness for their causes. Social media is a great way to show how organizations work toward their mission.

This week at #SproutChat, we were joined by Sprout All Star, Veronica Brown of the Chicago Public Library Foundation to talk about the importance of social media for nonprofits and how to integrate it into your overall communication strategy.

Social Is an Integral Part of Any Marketing Plan

Whether your nonprofit is just starting out or has been around for decades, it’s important to make sure that social has a place in your communication strategy.

Social media is a great way to reach a wider and more diverse audience. It’s particularly helpful to organization’s with smaller marketing budgets. This is an accessible way to display the good work a mission-based organization does.

Play the Long Game on Social

Some nonprofits use social as a way to expand their fundraising efforts, but be aware that you likely won’t see the dollars rolling in immediately.

For nonprofits, it’s a slow build and social is just one part of the fundraising journey. To boost your efforts, take the time to build up your social presence and create relationships with your online community before asking for donations.

Tracking Metrics Can Tell a Story

It’s common to utilize social to drive traffic to your sites or showcase campaigns, but it’s important to ensure you’re tracking metrics for all social efforts. Use UTM tracking to watch traffic back to your website, or track engagement if awareness is a larger objective for you.

These metrics tell a story about your nonprofit’s online presence and help inform planning for social strategy moving forward.

Meet Your Audience Where They Live

With so many social platforms available, it’s easy to think that your nonprofit should be active on every single one. But it’s more beneficial to your organization and cause to really think about your social audience and who they are. Don’t be afraid to be choosy about where you spend your time and effort.

Content Calendars Are Key

Regardless of whether or not you’re a for-profit business or a nonprofit, any good social account plans in advance. Make sure you have clear content buckets and that you’re filling in gaps where there is a lack of content. Consistency is key when it comes to success on social media.

Tune in to #SproutChat next Wednesday, September 6, to talk about planning content and the importance of a content calendar. Until then, be sure to join our Facebook community to connect and mingle with other folks in the industry.

This post #SproutChat Recap: Social Media for Social Good originally appeared on Sprout Social.


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