Wednesday 6 December 2017

7 Proven Ways to Beef Up Your Facebook Ads in 2018

Phew! After spending weeks on Facebook ads creation, you've finally launched your campaign.

If you're about to kick back and relax, we have bad news for you then: you need to work hard even after the launch.

Let's face it:

As the fastest growing social network, Facebook has become an appealing place for marketers to promote their brands/products.

It means fighting for the same audience in the competitive niche.

Any proof needed?

Take a look at some recent statistics from Mary Meeker's report:

  • Facebook controls 62% of online ad growth
  • 5 million companies use Facebook ads to reach their target audience (TA)
  • 93% of marketers use Facebook advertising regularly

To reach your target audience, you need to stand out from the crowd.

So, beef up your Facebook ads campaign!

Creating a killer Facebook ad campaign requires a lot of knowledge and experience, but you can rely on the following tips that might help you get better results in 2018.

1. Use Video Advertising

Nothing kills ads like being out-of-date.

If you don't know current Internet marketing trends, you might be using wrong ad types, time frames, and other important ad details that keep you from delivering the message to your target audience.

The advice? Keep up with current trends!

And if you want to grab your audience’s attention in 2018, give Facebook video ads a try:

Video marketing is booming!

In fact, Facebook users watch 8 billion videos daily, and the number is kept on growing.

Believe it or not, videos get a 135% increase in organic reach than photos.

The main benefit is that such ads offer more engaging content than static posts.

Although most people perceive all types of visual content well, video content is the most popular type as it provides:

  • emotions;
  • brand awareness;
  • higher engagement;
  • relevance;
  • rich content;
  • trust.

For a variety of reasons, video ads work well, and it's a great idea to implement such ads to your marketing strategy in 2018.

A Cisco study predicts that consumers’ consumption of video will constitute 80% of all global internet traffic by 2019.

2. Create ads as targeted storefronts

E-commerce is flourishing. Facebook influenced 52% of consumers’ online and offline purchases in 2015.

Moreover, 31% of Internet users confirm that Facebook is most likely to influence purchases.

It means Facebook users are ready to understand more about your product and buy it if it can solve their problems.

Thus, using storefronts is important when it comes to promoting your product on Facebook.

Carousel advertising allows you to show up to 10 images and links within a single ad unit to direct people to specific locations on your website.

Thus, you can promote different items at the same time, highlight multiple features of a single product, or tell a story.

Help your target audience get what they need: create ads as targeted storefronts to let your customers browse your products and buy goods!

After all, the fewer clicks it takes for a visitor to complete the purchase, the better.

3. Optimize ads for mobile devices

80% of people own smartphones, and there are 3.5 billion global mobile internet users.

On average, users spend 69% of their media time on smartphones.

But wait, there’s more: as people start spending more time glued to mobile devices, it's crucial to advertise where you can capture their attention!

Ads placement matters. Although most marketers place their ads on a desktop news feed, don't forget about reaching mobile users – optimize ads for mobile devices.

If you choose to reach mobile users, your ads will be automatically shown and formatted for mobile.

Moreover, mobile advertising is expected to represent 72% of all U.S. digital ad spending by 2019.

So, here’s how to optimize Facebook ads for mobile:

  • Choose an eye-catchy image: a clear and bright picture without texts (it will be hard to read on a mobile screen)
  • Don’t post much info: people have short attention spans, and it’s even harder to read much info on your phone. Keep the text short (1-2 sentences).

Mobile ads are created perfectly for mobile consumption behaviors.

Knowing what devices your potential clients use is a must when it comes to finding the best ways to promote your brand.

4. Keep an Eye on Successful Campaigns

Although it may sound obvious, it’s a hack many marketers overlook.

There's nothing new under the sun, and many topics have been covered to death on the web, but you need to know your competitors to draw inspiration.

Keep an eye on successful advertising campaigns to:

  • Learn from success stories and avoid making their mistakes if you don't want to hasten to delete a recently-published ad.
  • Know the niche: Borrowing ideas can be a good idea if you can cover a topic from a new angle.
  • Understand what is trendy: when you see other marketers' works and their audience's reaction, you can see what is popular.
  • Step out of the comfort zone: if you're afraid of being creative in order not to lose your TA, that's OK. However, there are some proofs like a campaign by SLACK that you can getter better results if you leave your comfort zone and surprise people.

Proficient marketers would agree that knowing your audience and its needs/expectations are important, but never miss a chance to learn from your competitors or successful case studies.

5. Test Ads to Optimize

Wouldn't it be great if you could set up a successful Facebook ad campaign once and for all?

Although it sounds like a dream, it's impossible to run a successful Facebook ad campaign without optimizing it until you're ready to waste budget without getting results.

If you want results within minutes, take a deep breath as advertising is a lasting process that requires a lot of work, time, and patience.

When it comes to testing ads, you'd better take the following steps:

  • Step 1. Customizing. Choose data that is important to you to keep a sharp focus on this information.
  • Step 2. Analyzing. You can see the results and all related metrics to understand whether your campaign was successful or not. Plus, understand which type(s) your audience responds most favorably to.
  • Step 3. Timing. Optimize your ads schedule to reach the maximum audience. You don't have to do the math – just observe when your audience is more active.
  • Step 4. Staying tuned. Change ads placement, bids, and budget to find out what ads work best for your TA.

By optimizing ads, you can improve performance over the life of your campaign and improve it.

Predictions are not always 100% applicable to your marketing strategy, and you need to create, analyze, and optimize to make the most out of your Facebook ad campaign.

If you don't want to kill your ads conversion, test your campaign!

6. Give Influencer Marketing a Try

Advertising on Facebook is getting more and more expensive these days.

The problem is that the platform is full of marketers who want to promote their product.

As the number of advertisers on social media increases, the high prices are a result of the competitive value of the ad auction.

If you don’t have much budget to waste on Facebook ads, you can try to promote your product with the influencer marketing.

It’s proven that people trust opinion leaders, so collaborating with them is a great way to enter an already-established community and spread a word about your product without being annoying.

Looking for a case study? Crayola decided to promote their new Marker Sprayer with the help of Your Everyday Canadian.

This influencer marketing campaign generated 4 million engagements and 7.1 million impressions.

Thinking about implementing this technique, learn more about common misconceptions about influencer marketing to avoid making mistakes.

7. Run Promotions on Instagram

Creating a Facebook ad, it’s easy to run it on Instagram too, and it’s a proven way to reach more people and, therefore, get better results. Use both platforms without spending extra time or effort.

In fact, 32% of all Internet users are on Instagram, so this platform is quite popular among marketers, and 70.7% of U.S. businesses use it for promoting their products as the audience is loyal here. Just imagine: 65% of top-performing brand posts on Instagram feature products.

If you want to run ads on Instagram, just choose this option in the ads manager as it’s done below:

The good point is that you can reach Instagrammers even if you don’t have an account on IG! Expand your potential audience by running promotions on both platforms.

The Final Note

Dealing with Facebook ads optimization can be daunting, but it pays off! Knowing the above-mentioned ways to beef up your campaign is like having a card up your sleeve.

Below are a few questions to ask yourself about your Facebook ads campaign:

  • Do you achieve better results?
  • Do you deliver the message to the right audience?
  • Are you sure that you're not wasting your advertising budget?

If you've answered 'yes' to all of these questions, you know how to improve your Facebook ad campaign to make the most out of it.

Do you have any other Facebook ads tricks that have helped you beef up your campaigns and get better results?

Hugh Beaulac is a creator behind MC2 project who uses the power of social media to reach his business goals. Keep in touch with him on Twitter.

The post 7 Proven Ways to Beef Up Your Facebook Ads in 2018 appeared first on Ninja Outreach.


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