Friday 13 April 2018

4 Ways Sprout Helps Agencies Win New Business

Social has shifted how agencies approach everything from community management to collaboration. A one-size-fits-all approach to winning new business no longer works.

Today the tools and platforms that you use to power your client’s social strategies and communicate success are more important than ever. And no one knows this better than the agency professionals themselves.

We recently polled our Agency Network and Twitter community to learn how Sprout has helped our partners win new clients.

1. Threefold Data-Driven Marketing

Social has helped our clients in several ways. We use Sprout for three main tasks: customer service (engagement). listening and lead generation. Packaged together, it ladders up to data-driven marketing.

– Shane Ketterman, Founder, Rewire Digital

2. Brand Building Through Impressions & Reach

Most of our clients are authors and consultants, looking to build their audience to grow speaking fees, earn media appearances and build their client base. So since direct sales attributable to social/online aren’t always possible for us, we look at key metrics like inbound speaking and media requests.

To generate those, we look at client social channels as their sizzle reel. Let’s show outlets and organizers what our client can do for their audience, both in performance and content. Social’s pivot to video has made this process even easier for us and only amplified the return on our client’s investment here.”

– Jonathan Jacobs, Partner, Digital Natives Group

3. High-Volume Workflow Management

4. Targeted Messaging

Geo-targeted social ads to drive new customers to book reservations at winery tasting rooms. Once they’re in the tasting room, there is a high conversion rate to becoming a wine purchaser and/or new wine club member.

Social ads to support promotional wine offers coupled with email campaigns, retargeting site visitors and customers. Quick case study… in a one-day wine case sale, we increased revenue by 40% over last year with increased email marketing and introducing targeted social advertising.”

– Ashley Cummins, Senior Account Manager, Astra Digital

Interested in learning more about how social propels agencies forward? Join our Agency Network on Facebook to start collaborating and chatting about all things digital.

This post 4 Ways Sprout Helps Agencies Win New Business originally appeared on Sprout Social.


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